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Q: How long does it take nonrenewable energy to replenish?
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Is a nonrenewable energy source?

yeah. it does technically renew, but it take millions of years.

Is oil a nonrenewable energy source?

yeah. it does technically renew, but it take millions of years.

How long does it take a snake to replenish venom?

100 year

Is coal a nonrenewable resource?

Yes, coal is a NONrenewable energy source. It is running out rapdily, which is why we are trying to find alternative renewable ways to create energy, such as recycling and energy turbines.

Which example of nonrenewable energy surces that take millions of year to form?

Coal, oil, and/or natural gas.

WHAT are Nonrenewable and renewable?

Nonrenewable are energy sources that cannot be replaced once they are all used up. Renewable energy sources can be replaced. E.G The ice in your fried is renewable. Every time you take away the ice, new ice will form and fill it up again

What resource take so long to replace they are considered nonrenewable?

coal, oil, natural gas, tarsands

What is the Replenish law?

replenish OR repLEVIN law? Replevin means the court orders you to give up property that's not yours that you cant/wont pay for.

What are nonrenewable energy sources?

Natural resources that are used up more quickly than they can be replaced are nonrenewable resources. Earths supply of nonrenewable resources are limited . You use nonrenewable resources when you take home groceries in plastic bags, paint a wall, or travel by car. plastic, paints, and gasoline are made from important nonrenewable resources called petroleum, or oil, petroleum is formed mostly from the remains of microscopic marine organisms buried in the earths crust. It is nonrenewable because it takes hundreds of millions of years for it to form.

Which energy sources are considered nonrenewable?

Coal oil and natural gas are non-renewable energy sources in that they take millions of years to form in Nature. They are all called Fossil fuels.

Is it possible for homes to use only renewable energy instead of nonrenewable energy?

Look at homes in Iceland, they are not dependent on nonrenewable sources. Iceland uses geothermal energy and hydropower for its main source of power. It is possible to build a home that is only dependent on renewable energy source however you must take into account the location of the home as certain renewable energies will be in abundance in some locations whilst in other that will not be the case.

Why is non renewable energy limited?

non renewable energy is limited because non renewable resources take millions of years to replenish which is more than a human life span so non renewable resource are limited............................................................