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For most people it is like an ordinary flu, just a little bit worse, and most people recover. But in those who don't, usually how long it takes depends upon the state of health of the person when they got it (as with any disease).

The flu may elevate to a severe respiratory illness within as soon as five days from the first symptoms and require hospitalization. This severe illness may include primary influenza viral pneumonia which is often the cause of death in any type of influenza.

Influenza virus infections can make underlying medical conditions (e.g., asthma, Diabetes, other pulmonary or cardiac diseases-see below for more examples) much worse; lead to secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinusitis, or middle ear infections; or, contribute to other viral or bacterial infections once the immune system is stressed.

The mortality rate of the 2009 Novel H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) during the pandemic has been very low, not nearly as high as was feared. Based on formulas for the calculations of mortality rates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that estimate the total numbers of cases (since it is suspected more and more that many cases of H1N1 have gone unreported, untested, and or unrecognized by those infected due to mild symptoms in some people) the rate of deaths is lower than that seen in the seasonal flu each year. The CDC has estimated that, as of 2/12/10, since the beginning of the pandemic in Spring 2009, the US has had approximately 57 million cases of A-H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu and approximately 11,690 resulting deaths. Based upon this, an estimate of the mortality rate in the US from the pandemic is 0.02%.

In comparison, the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) have estimated that with seasonal flu, "we see over 30 million cases in the United States. We see 200,000 hospitalizations and, on average, 36,000 deaths." (During the entire fall and winter flu season.) Based upon this, the average mortality rate of seasonal flu in the US would be 0.12 %.

The initial Death Rate of Novel H1N1 indicates it is a milder infectious agent than feared. However, in some epidemics of flu in the past, a second more lethal wave has occurred after an initial mild wave of the flu (such as the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic). The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are recommending continued vigilance and precautions such as frequent hand washing to continue to help reduce the spread of the virus.

Examples of conditions that put people at higher risk of infection and death from Novel H1N1 Influenza:

According to the studies conducted so far by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, those people at high risk of these severe symptoms of the flu include the same groups who are at higher risk with the regular seasonal flu viruses:

  • Children younger than 5 years old;
  • persons aged 65 years or older--(with Novel H1N1, this does not hold true, for unknown reasons, this age group is actually less likely to be infected, perhaps immune due to exposure to a similar flu in ages past);
  • children and adolescents (younger than 18 years) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and who might be at risk for experiencing Reye syndrome after influenza virus infection;
  • pregnant women;
  • adults and children who have underlying conditions such as:
    • pulmonary, including asthma,
    • cardiovascular,
    • hepatic,
    • hematological,
    • neurologic,
    • neuromuscular, or,
    • metabolic disorders, such as diabetes;
  • adults and children who have immuno-suppression (including immuno-suppression caused by medications or by HIV);
  • residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities: and,
  • the morbidly obese

(See related questions below for more information.)

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Q: How long does it take people to die from the Swine Flu once they begin to have symptoms?
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How long are the symptoms of swine flu present within the body?

A week, Its like the common cold. Though swine fllu is deadly & may last longer.

Are there Long term effects with swine flu?

Some people have lung-capacity problems months or longer after fully recovering from all other symptoms. I have developed asthma-like symptoms that are still with me more than six months later.

How to Recognize Swine Flu Symptoms?

In 2009, the swine flu pandemic had people in a panic with the uncertainty of their health. Scientists scrambled to quickly come up with an effective vaccine to combat the virus. The swine flu turned out to be milder than previous pandemics, but today's flu vaccine covers both seasonal and swine flu. 2011 has reports of two people infected with swine flu, though both were in contact with pigs shortly before contracting the virus. The contraction of swine flu is rare, but can be spread from pigs to humans, or humans to pigs. Swine flu symptoms do not appear much differently than seasonal flu symptoms at first. These include high fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, body aches, chills, and fatigue. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that swine flu symptoms may vary slightly from seasonal flu. For instance, in the 2009 outbreak, Mexico reported that 30% of cases showed no fever, and Chile reported 50% of their cases had no fever. Most consider fever as a tell-tale sign of illness, and its absence could lead people to wait to go to the doctor for treatment. Pay attention to the symptoms. Swine flu can have severe symptoms like extreme fatigue or malaise. Vomiting and diarrhea is also more common in swine flu. If you show these symptoms, it is time for a visit to the doctor. Swine flu can be more serious than the seasonal flu because it is more likely to cause complications like pneumonia and respiratory problems. A rapid flu test can show whether the influenza A virus, or swine flu, is present. Antiviral drugs recommended by the CDC for treatment of influenza A virus are Oseltamivir or Zanamivir. Swine flu symptoms usually start to disappear within one to two weeks as long as complications do not arise. The elderly and those with chronic health problems such as asthma or heart problems could experience worsening of symptoms related to those conditions. It is important to take immediate action if you suspect you have swine flu. Take steps to prevent seasonal and swine flu with the vaccine or visit your doctor for more information on preventative measures.

How long after exhibiting symptoms of the flu or swine flu does the nasal swab rapid flu test work?

Well, I really do recommend buying a Nintendo Wii.

How long can you live with the Swine Flu if it goes untreated?

Most people survive the swine flu without taking any medications other than over the counter drugs to treat the symptoms. The majority of people who are dying of swine flu have weakened immune systems, or have other underlying diseases compromising their health or have conditions stressing their bodies, like pregnancy. The death rate is very low, in fact lower now than the typical mortality rates of seasonal flu.

If your 9 year old has Swine Flu can you still work in a nursing home?

i work at a nursing home and if ur daughter or son has it pretty sure u can still work in a nursing home as long as u dont have the symptoms or the swine flu

If you are a 15 year old male and you think you have Swine Flu how long do you have to live?

Probably the rest of your life. Most people recover completely from the swine flu, as with any type of flu.

How long does trichinosis last?

The symptoms begin about one to two days after eating the contaminated meat, and may last for a week or so.

How long will it take for the swine outbreak to get under control?

4-7 months

How long after a trip to Mexico would you be contagious with the swine virus?

Yes. I do not know.

Is Swine Flu in Indiana?

It really doesn't matter as long as you have the shot.

How long after having the symptoms of Swine Flu can you be treated?

Immediately upon feeling symptoms of the flu, you can begin treating the fever, cough, aches, and other uncomfortable symptoms with over-the-counter medications. If you believe you may have the swine flu, contact your health care provider and they will let you know if they recommend that you be treated with an antiviral medication such as Tamiflu. For this medicine to be most effective, it needs to be started within the first 48 hours of symptoms.If you are in England, you can utilize the online flu symptom evaluator at the National Pandemic Flu Service (see link below) to determine if you may have the Swine Flu (A-H1N1/09) and help to decide if you need to take immediate action.If you are in Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, see the web site with information on what to do if you think you may have the flu at the Pandemic Flu site (link is provided in the related link section below).Use the online evaluator in the US to help determine if you might have H1N1/09 flu (see link below).