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Q: How long does it take putty to dry?
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How do you remove putty from a comforter?

Take it too a dry cleaner. They know.

How long does it take for silly putty to dry?

i dont think know one really knows this question? but if they tried it they would probably know

Does a silly putty dry?

Yes it can it is very hard but if you leave it outside for too long during the summer like my kids did last year it will dry

How long to leave putty to dry before painting?

Putty should not be allowed to dry completely. If it does, then it will become brittle and may shrink and crack. The main purpose of putty is to form a seal between the glass and the wooden window frame. The putty should be painted to seal in the linseed oil which keeps it pliable. A film of hard putty on the surface forms after 2 to 3 weeks (weather dependent) and then the painting should be carried out to stop any further drying of the putty.

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Can you use putty instead of wax ring?

The wax rings are preformed and cheaper and will not dry out as putty will.

How long does it take for silly putty to dry out?

Yeah silly putty dries. I had one once, and I left it out of the egg thingy and it dried out really fast. Maybe it was just defective though. Hope this helps!

Can flarp putty dry out?

Yes, my did yesterday. Gross. Mine was green.

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Why does silly putty shatter?

Silly putty is normally kept in a sealed container, if the silly putty has been left out and allowed to dry out completely then it is likely to shatter if dropped or hit with a heavy implement, such as a hammer.

How do you fix dry silly putty?

Silly putty can be restored/fixed by using a little heat. And also, gently adding water to it will restore the bouciness.

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