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Q: How long does it take the planets to orbit the sun and how many seconds dose it takes?
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Dose all the planets orbit the sun?

All the planets in our solar system orbit our sun. Recently other suns, far out in Space, have been discovered to have their own planets.

Do small planets orbit slowly?

It dose not matter how small the planet is, what makes them orbit slower is how far away the planet is from the sun.

How many planets dose Mars have?

Mars itself is a planet. If you are asking how many moons it has, it has two moons that orbit it.

How many days dose the moon take to prbit the earth?

It takes about 28 days for the moon to orbit the earth.

How many days dose mercury take to circle the sun?

It takes Mercury 87 days to orbit the sun.

How long dose it take for uranus to orbit the sun?

It takes Uranus 84.3 years to make a complete orbit around the Sun. The planet was discovered by William Herschel in 1781.

How long does it take all the planets to make a complete rotation?

Mercury, Days to orbit sun = 87.97, Years to orbit sun= 0.24 Venus, Days to orbit sun = 224.70, Years to orbit sun= 0.62 Earth, Days to orbit sun = 365.26, Years to orbit sun= 1.00 Mars, Days to orbit sun = 686.97, Years to orbit sun= 1.88 Jupiter, Days to orbit sun = 4331.57, Years to orbit sun= 11.86 Saturn, Days to orbit sun = 10759.22, Years to orbit sun= 29.46 Uranus, Days to orbit sun = 30799.10, Years to orbit sun= 84.32 Neptune, Days to orbit sun = 60190.00, Years to orbit sun= 164.79

Which way dose Mercury orbits the sun?

Anti-clockwise when viewed from the Sun's north pole, the same way as all the other planets. Mercury's orbit is quite eccentric and elongated when compared to the other planets, however.

How many earth days dose it take for mercury to orbat the sun?

It takes 224.7 earth days for Venus to orbit the sun.

How often dose it orbit the Earth?

What is "it"? The moon?

How long it takes for the moon to orbit the earth?

it takes about 5 days to orbit once around the earth 2nd Answer: The correct answer is a little less than 28 days, which long ago determined the length of a moon-th, I mean month.

How on dose it take for the moon to orbit the earth?

28 days losers