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It takes around eight minutes for a space shuttle to reach orbit after taking off. Its average speed upon take of is 17,500 mph.

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Q: How long does it take the shuttle to reach orbit?
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How long does it take the space shuttle to reach the moons orbit?

The space shuttle was designed for low earth orbit (between 200-300 nautical miles) and could not reach the moon.

How long would it take for a space shuttle to reach space?

It could not, the shuttle cannot leave low earth orbit

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the shuttle takes about 8 minutes to reach orbit

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The space shuttle takes 8 minutes to reach orbit.

How long does it take to get a space shuttle into orbit?

8 minutes

How much time does it take for the space shuttle to reach orbit from launching?

depends where you launch from and where you go

How long would it take to reach our neighbouring star by space shuttle?

At a top speed of around 30,000 Km per hour, in theory it would take around 160,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri. In practice, the Space Shuttle is not able to break out of Earth orbit to start such a journey.

How long does it take the space shuttle to reach outer space from launch?

It takes about 8 minutes from launch for the shuttle to reach space. How is that for speed? Once in space, the space shuttle and the International Space Station orbit the Earth about 16 times a day. They are actually traveling faster than a bullet! That fast rate of speed along with Earth's gravity keep them in orbit around our planet

How long does it take the space shuttle to reach space stations?

It takes the Shuttle about 2 days to reach the International Space Station.

How long would it take to get to the nearest star in a space shuttle?

The Space shuttle cannot go beyond low earth orbit, but assuming you were traveling at the shuttle's orbital speed of 17,600 mph it would take approximately 7 months to reach the sun (the nearest star to earth), and approximately 160,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the sun.

How long does it take to reach the moon in a space shuttle?

it takes 3 days to reach the moon

How long does it take for the space shuttle to get to the moon?

The Space Shuttle does not travel to the moon, it cannot go further than Low Earth Orbit.