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If you have your Bachelor's you can take a test to be certified as a teacher and began teaching. If you are just getting started it will take 4 years to get your Bachelor's maybe more or less it depends on he amount of classes you take per semester. After you graduate you will have to become certified. If you pass you are clear to work. Some districts will allow you to work if you fail to pass a section of the certification test. Hope this helps

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15y ago

Practically I would say 16 ( for a BA) to 17+ ( for an MA), but in theory only 12 or less

are actually required. Let me explain:

The answer would depend on how you define "historian", so let me define a historian as one who earns a living by doing historical research and writes papers and books on history. Such a person can be self-employed and no formal credits from schools are required -- there is no license needed for this job. In order to get your papers published you would find it very helpful to have references from established historians, but I think that if your papers are good enough you could get people to read and recommend your work despite your lack of formal credentials.

If you want a job as a curator of a museum or guide to an historical site, you would have to meet whatever requirements the employer would set. In the absence of other credentials such as historical publications, you would likely have to hold a Masters or at least a BA with a record of historical research , in order to get an interview, due to the competition for such jobs.

If you want to be a college professor you would need a PhD. which requires around 7 years of college or 19 years or school counting high school.


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14y ago

You have to go to college for four years to earn a Bachelor's Degree (BA) in History. A BA will allow you to do some things in the field of History, but most individuals wish to either teach or do advanced historical research. In those cases you need to take a Master's Degree (MA) in History which takes one or two additional years (or 30 semester units) above the BA (which takes 120 semester units). You can teach History at the Junior College level with an MA Degree. If you want to teach at the University level you will need a Ph.D. Degree which takes however long it takes for you to complete a dissertation in your area of historical interest. Most university's in the United States will give you up to ten years to complete the requirements for a Ph.D., which requires some course work beyond the MA Degree; your dissertation, and an oral defense of your dissertation. In addition to teaching at the University level with a Ph.D., you can also do pure historical research at a university or private sector research institution or at a U.S. Government agency.

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14y ago

If you are thinking historian in the strictest sense, then you have to think PhD. This would take four years to complete the bachelor's degree (as a full-time student), and an additional four years for the PhD. Still, if you have a passion for what you want to do, it is achievable.

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Graduates with master's degrees in applied specialties usually are qualified for positions outside of colleges and universities, although requirements vary by field. A Ph.D. degree may be required for higher-level positions. Bachelor's degree holders have limited opportunities and do not qualify for most of the occupations discussed above. A bachelor's degree does, however, provide a suitable background for many different kinds of entry-level jobs in related occupations, such as research assistant, writer, management trainee, or market analyst.

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14y ago

To teach within the public school system in the United States at the pre-K through high school levels, you must have a bachelor's degree in a teacher education program from a regionally accredited college or university and state teacher certification. This would take approximately four years to complete as a full-time student, provided you take the program as prescribed by the college or university.

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

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Q: How long does it take to become a history teacher?
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You would need to do Sixth Form History(Year 12+13) and then take history ni University as a degree. You would then have to take a furthur teaching degree.

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No because you have to fart on your teacher first

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