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Q: How long does it take to build a solar power plant?
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How long does it take to build a coal power plant?

1-2 years

What are bad things about solar power?

Its expensive to build, or put solar panels on house roofs. It has a long payback time. Solar panels are ugly and big. The sun isnt always out, especially in places like UK, where as Spain it would be perfect.

How long does it take to build a peaking power plant in the US?

Time It takes To Build Peaking Power PlantIt typically takes one to three years to build a gas turbine power plant depending on the size and complexity. A 100 MW conventional gas turbine may take about a year. A 300 MW combined cycle power plant may take about two to three years. These estimates may increase if demand for gas turbines is high.

Can solar power be used to power an aerator instead of electricity?

Anything can be powered with solar power as long as you have enough money and sun!

Solar energy is a perpetual?

The sun is a phenomenal source of energy, but it is not unlimited. It's a fact that the sun will set and die one day. There is the option to extend its life, however, by utilizing solar power and β€œsolar panels" which convert the energy from the sun into power for your home. For installing solar plant contact - Tabics solar energy- 98347 27838

Do solar power homes save money?

In the long run, they can.

What are the advantages of solar eclips?

There is no actual advantage of a solar eclipse. The sunlight will be blocked for such a little time, that solar power will not be stopped for long.

Does using solar power save you money?

in the long run, yes

How long do you think it will take to build one Solwer tower?

They started to build the Solar Tower in 2001 and it was estimated to be done in 2-3 years.

How does solar power help humans?

Solar Power is an inexhaustible alternative energy source. Because the sun will never run out, we can use solar power for power. And even though solar panels cost a lot, the sun's power is free! However, at night or during long periods of bad weather, we will need another energy source to rely on.

How long have people been using solar power?

Quite a while actually. BUT IM NOT SURE HOW LONG!!

Can you power a solar panel using a torch or an electrical lamp?

as long as the light is strong enough to heat the solar panel up