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Q: How long does it take to fermente grape juice and bread?
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Can grape juice stink?

Only if it is left out a long time to ferment or spoil.

Why does frozen grape juice melt faster than frozen water?

This is because the grape juice is dark so it absorbs heat which makes it melt faster.

Who invented the process to keep grape juice from turning to wine?

Be sure to keep it refirigerated and don't let it sit for too long. Make sure it doesn't expire.

Does grape have a short a sound?

No, the word "grape" does not have a short "a" sound. It has a long "a" sound.

Is a grape a centimeter long?

A small grape would be 1 cm long.

How long do you keep non alcoholic wine before you can drink it after producing it?

If it's non-alcoholic, it isn't wine. You can drink grape juice whenever you like.

Does grape have a short or long vowel sound?

The word grape has a long A and silent E, to rhyme with cape and tape.

Does grape have a long vowel sound?

No, in the word "grape," the vowel sound 'a' is short, not long. The long vowel sound of 'a' is heard in words like "cake" or "lake."

Is grape a long a or short a?

The a has a long vowel sound.

How to build a grape smasher?

You can build a grape smasher in any way that you'd like. As long as your device smashes grapes it is considered a grape smasher.

Do ham skate and grape have a short a sound or long a sound?

"Ham" and "skate" have a short "a" sound, pronounced as /æ/. "Grape" has a long "a" sound, pronounced as /eɪ/.

What is the volume of a grape?

81% Of the grape is water...