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It takes approximately 90 days for hydrocodone to be completely removed from the human body. Gas chromatography/mass-spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography is capable of detecting hydrocodone in urine up to 90 days after the last use. However, GC-MS and HPLC are only used to confirm positive results of inferior tests. A standard immunoassay urinalysis is capable of detecting hydrocodone in the urine up to 6 days after the last use. Finally, a hair sample test can detect hydrocodine up to 90 days after the last use. Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derivative of morphine and is tested for on SAMHSA-5 panel drug screenings, which is the most commonly used panel.


VICODIN IN YOUR SYSTEMTHIS QUESTION SHOULD NOT be under "illegal drugs" listing, as it is a legal prescription drug. HOWEVER, if it is misused, it would be illegal USE of a controlled substance. IF it is obtained without a prescription or valid need, it is a State and Federal crime. If it is prescribed by a physician for a valid reason, you shouldn't have to worry about it being in your system, for a urine test for example. Opioid Analgesics, depending on amount used, can be detected in your system for at LEAST 48 to 72 hours. Urine drug testing looks for but is not limited to: cannabis (marijuana, hashish), opioids, cocaine, heroin, stimulants (i.e. speed, methylphenidate [Ritalin]), benzodiazepines (i.e. Valium, Ativan etc.), sleeping pills (i.e. Dalmane, chloral hydrate, Halcion). Again, if you have a medical need and a valid prescription from a doctor, you shouldn't have to worry about it when they find it in your urine or blood.


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11y ago
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12y ago

Hydrocodone (The Generic verisons) Which comes in forms of , Lortab, Vicdan, Norco. All have hydrocodone in them, the amount of Tylenol or (APAP, Acetaminophen Generic) varies from 750mg, 650mg and 500mg in vicdan and lortab to 325mg in norco. If you want to take more of them then norco is you best bet. Since you can only have a maximum of 4,000mg a day in your system, if you take more you will be vary sick as you stomach will hold over the rest to process it the next day and you may throw up a lot. All of these will stay in your system from 3 days-7 days depending on your body.

WARING: I am not a MD or a expert, Justa expert at taking them and what ones are better. the yellow norco 10mg/325 are the best, walmarts viccdan and norcos suck. I like wlagreens they use different manufacturers like Watson!!!!

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14y ago

It's partially dependent on you metabolism, the amount used, as well as several other factors. However for me, I began to feel relief and the side effects within about 30-40 minutes. This was in a pill form taken as directed.

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11y ago

3 days depending on your body weight and how much fluid you drink.

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13y ago

Im in a rehab system and they told me it will take..2...through 4 days.... Average is three

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15y ago

Three or four days.

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