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Acute methadone withdrawal can last for up to two weeks, depending on the degree of addiction. Methadone metabolism produces long-lived metabolites that are also narcotic and create withdrawal symptoms. The best method involves SHORT TERM Suboxone therapy, preferably inpatient, with other medical support. Post acute withdrawal can last for several months, and ideally involves other kinds of care, principally emotional support, nutrition, exercise and medical evaluation for symptoms that may have been covered up by the addiction.

Recovery is a different issue entirely; it involves getting our emotional, physical and social life back to something like normal and, depending on how hard we are willing to work at it, can take from a few months to a couple of years -- to never.

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Q: How long does it take to recover after you stop taking methadone?
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If you are asking how long it affects the nervous system, it is 3.8 hours.

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You can, but only if your doctor will prescribe it for you.

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How do you stop taking methadone at home with little or no withdraw?

You kind of don't. Methadone is addictive. There will bewithdrawal; you should probably consult a physician for ways to minimize this withdrawal.

Can your work stop you working cause you are on methadone I drive 10 ton forklifts?

No. Methadone is a very mild opiate in terms of its "high", that is why it is chosen by drug clinics to detox from opiates. As long as you are on a dose of methadone that is appropriate, you will not have to stop work or feel any major effects from methadone.

Is it ok to take methadone and then percs?

That would be defeating the object. If you are on a drugs program, they will slowly reduce your Methadone prescription and provide other support if needed.

Can you use a detox product to pass a probation drug test for methadone?

No. The only way to pass is to stop taking the drug for a long time so that your system is clear. According to the Related Questions below, methadone stays in your system for anywhere from 1 to 10 days, depending on dosage, frequency of use and metabolism.

How can someone pass a drug test that has been using methadone?

Stop using Methadone.

What is the main drawback in methadone treatment for a heroin addict?

The main drawbacks for an addict, are that methadone withdraws are more severe and prolonged than coming off of 'street heroin'. Most addicts taking methadone are on it for a long time. Methadone is an addictive substance - the longer you are on it the more you need! Which is why the amount of addicts who actually achieve abstinence whilst using methadone is very low. Methadone dose not stop the obsessive behaviour or thoughts associated with addiction. Addicts usually end up with two addictions - to the methadone and to the heroin! In general, and at best, it can be described as a harm reduction measure. It is cheap to produce and controllable by the Authorities. Which is why it has been, and continues to be used.

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Is it safe to stop taking methadone during a pregnancy?

It is not considered safe to taper off Methadone during a pregnancy due to the possible stress on the fetus. The studies have not conclusively proven that Methadone is toxic to a pregnancy. Any pregnancy that does taper off of Methadone must be done in-patient so that monitoring of the fetus can be performed. Please see the related link below for more information.

Can methadone clinic drug test for magic mushrooms?

if your in a methadone clinic i would stop taking all drugs and get your life together