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I have gone 1 mile ranging from 2-8 minutes. It all depends on the road condition and your physical condition. Downhill is way funner, haha. Depeds on if you're going downhill or just cruising.

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Q: How long does it take to ride a longboard for 1 mile?
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If you are going 70mph it would take you 1 hour

Is it hard to ride a longboard?

If you have not ever ridin a skateboard or something likeit, most likely it will be hard. Or if you ride a skateboardand arnt used to riding fast then it will take time to get usedto.

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It depends on the type/speed of the train, please be more precise with your question.

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How long for a 12 mile bike ride?

I presume you mean how long will it take for a 12 miles bike ride. It depends on how fast you can bike, if it's uphill or downhill. The average is between 8-13 mph for most people to bike on a 10-speed on the whole. By that measurement, it could take 50-90 minutes or so on the average.

Can you bring your longboard on the plane?

Yes, But in order to do that you'll have to buy a bag for it and sterilise all components of the board.

How long does it take to ride a bike 26 miles on the street?

It depends on your speed, but on average it should take somewhere between 5-10 minutes per mile. Totalling to about 130-260 minutes. (2hrs10mins - 4hrs20mins)

How long will it take a mile long train going 15mph to get completely through a mile long tunnel?

for minutes and 1 sec.

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55.4 seconds per mile at 65mph

How long will it take a train that's 1 mile long to travel completely to a 1 mile long tunnel if it moves at the rate of 1 mile per minute?

2 mintes