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Grade III is the most serious injury. The 3 main ligaments of the lateral ankle are all torn. They heal more slowly than bone because they have very poor blood supply. If a second sprain were to occur before it completely heals, you could end up with a permanently unstable ankle. Therefore it is extremely important that it is completely healed before attempting any quick lateral movements. Depending on your age and ability to heal (how well blood flows to the area is key), I would estimate 6 months of healing and rehab before you are completely out of the "woods."

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Q: How long does it usually take a level three ankle sprain to heal Pain free?
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What causes most ACL injuries?

While playing basketball, this player sprained his ankle. Probably not a good idea to play without shoes! Symptoms of a sprain include swelling and discoloration near the affected area.A sprain occurs when a ligament is inflamed or torn. Ligaments, such as those of the ankle, are bands or sheets of regular, tough fibrous tissue that connect bones together.Here is the normal state of the ankle and its ligaments. Depending on the severity of the injury, the ligaments may be mildly injured and inflamed as in a Type One ankle sprain; partially torn, classified as a Type Two sprain; or completely torn, making it a Type Three sprain.Treatment for a Type One sprain should include Rest, Ice, Compression and immobilization, and Elevation of the affected area. This is easy to remember if you think of the acronym RICE. If you suspect a ligament is torn or completely severed, see your health care provider for treatment.Reviewed ByReview Date: 10/06/2008Thomas N. Joseph, MD, Private Practice specializing in Orthopaedics, subspecialty Foot and Ankle, Camden Bone & Joint, Camden, SC. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

What do you do when you sprain your ankle in gym?

I would most likely go to a doctor and have it checked, you should probably stay home for two or three days to recover. Depending on how bad it is. Good Luck!

How long does it take for a sprain to heal completely?

There are three stages of AC shoulder separation to heal. A grade one separation could heal on it's own in a couple of weeks, while a stage three separation often requires surgical repair and can take months to heal.

What is 4 letter word that means ankle bone?

Ankle bone is usually "tarsus." The seven bones of the human tarsus form the ankle and upper part of the foot. They are the talus, calcaneus, navicular, and cuboid and the three cuneiform bones. None of them have four letters.

What is a 7 letter word that means ankle bone?

Ankle bone is usually "tarsus." The seven bones of the human tarsus form the ankle and upper part of the foot. They are the talus, calcaneus, navicular, and cuboid and the three cuneiform bones. None of them have seven letters.

How long will your pinky take to heal after a sprain?

It would be two weeks before it heals and if it is a really bad sprain it wounld take three weeks.

How do you sprain your ankle on purpose?

I have had a sprained ankle and it hurts like hell, but if you really want to here are three things you can do: 1.) You can put on some high heels and step off of an office chair and tilt one ankle to the side 2.) You can sit on a chair or couch and tilt your foot to the side and stand up 3.) You can get some high heels on and get 5-10 small balls (tennis or racket) and jump around until you cant jump anymore

How much does a sprained ankle hurt?

Give it a week and it should be alright if not hardly sprained.Hon, It may take either 2-4 wks or months. Good Luck!Keep ice on it in diff periods of time and make sure you slowly move it back and forth so that it does not become stiff. And remember, you could always take ibeprofin or such pain relief medicines.

What are the four bones that form the ankle joint?

The four bones that form the ankle joint are the tibia, fibula, talus, and calcaneus. The tibia and fibula are the bones of the lower leg that articulate with the talus, which sits on top of the calcaneus, or heel bone.

What joint is your ankle joint?

The ankle is the meeting point for three bones, these are the talus, tibula and fibula. Each of these three bones have their own joint that connect the foot.

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I had an ankle fusion three years ago and still in pain.

What are the three joints on the skeletal system?

Jaw Shoulder Ankle