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Q: How long does mild cramping last in the first trimester?
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Are backache and cramping normal in the first trimester?

backaches yes cramping is ok as long there is no spotting

How long does vaginal bleeding last during the first trimester?

the whole 9 months

How many months is the first trimester of a pregnancy?

just to let you know the first trimester starts from 0-13 weeks and the second trimester is from 14 weeks to the 28th weeks and the 3 trimester from 29 weeks to 40 weeks or whenever you deliver they are not all equal the 2nd trimester is the most difficult and the longest with the last trimester actually being your shortest. Good luck with your pregnacy. :)

Is cramping or spotting wile in the first trimester normal?

yes it is very normal, but you shuld always talk with your doctor about your symptoms so he/she can monitor your pregnancy, but as long as it is not heavy bleeding or severe cramping so bad you feel need to go to the emergency room , then you are fine. i had both in first and second trimester with all my kids=] blessings to you both, chassy.

How long does implantion cramping last?

At least 1 week.

How long will morning sickness last for?

Morning sickness really starts during first trimester but it will subside if the hormones progesterone comes down in the second trimester.

What do people mean when they say in the first trimester' of a pregnancy?

A trimester contains the prefix 'tri' as in triangle - and it means 3 or a third. The first trimester of a pregnancy therefore means the first third of the pregnancy and as a pregnancy is 9 months long, it refers to the first 3 months.

How long does a implant last?

2 to 3 days..mine last two days..i had a lot of cramping but not servere...but that's it..

Is it normal that you feel absolutely nothing in 12th week of pregnancy with no morning sickness?

There could be a couple of reasons for this: # Some women are fortunate enough to not experience much morning sickness, if any at all. # Week 12 is the last week of your first trimester. Most pregnancy symptoms (or at least the morning sickness, tender breasts) tend to fade after the first trimester. So if you at one point had morning sickness and now you do not, it could just be that you are starting to go into your second trimester. As long as ALL of your pregnancy signs do not start fading and you do no start bleeding or cramping, I think you will be okay. But be sure to call your doctor if you do start to bleed or cramp.

How long cramping last after taking the misoprotol pills?

Normally 5-6 hours but for some it can be longer.

How long is a trimester?

three months

Did you miscarry if you tested positive for pregnancy but lost the tenderness in your breast and have been cramping?

I would not stress about it. My breasts are only tender for a few days and then that goes away. As for the cramping, it could have been implantaion cramping which would not last long either.