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I would not stress about it. My breasts are only tender for a few days and then that goes away. As for the cramping, it could have been implantaion cramping which would not last long either.

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Q: Did you miscarry if you tested positive for pregnancy but lost the tenderness in your breast and have been cramping?
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Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

Lower abdominal cramping is pregnancy symptom?

yes you do have abdominal tenderness and cramping when you are pregnant.I recently had a baby last year and that was one of my first symptoms.As long as there is no extreme pain it is completely normal.

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Some women complain of nipple tenderness with pregnancy. The main signs of pregnancy are missing period and positive pregnancy test.

If you have a miscarriage will a pregnancy test still show positive?

Until all the hormones are washed from your body, you can still show positive on an OTC pregnancy test. The earlier you miscarry the sooner the test will become negative as there are fewer hormones in the body.

Is it normal to have nausea and tenderness of the breasts after being off the shot for two months?

I'm not positive about that but you might wanna take a pregnancy test. Those are signs of pregnancy.

Is it normal to have slight cramping after testing positive yesterday for pregnancy?

I would call a doctor. Good luck to you and God Bless:)

Can you be pregnant with no uterus cramping?

Yes, it is very possible; signs of pregnancy are completely individual. Some women will have all or most of the typical symptoms of pregnancy (morning sickness, breast tenderness, added weight, hormonal imbalances, etc.) while some women will experience little to no symptoms at all. If you have any doubt about being pregnant, take a home pregnancy test and, if positive, follow up with your family practitioner or ObGyn.

Cramps and breast tenderness 12 days before my period and had a positive home pregnancy test and a negative blood test done?

You're not pregnant?

Can you have a positive pregnancy test and miscarry?

Possibly, if the pregnancy ended very early the hCG may have returned to pre-pregnancy levels before the miscarriage. It is more likely for the test to be negative a few days to a week after an early first trimester miscarriage.

When Im lying face down with my stomach against the floor for yoga it is tender in the lower section is this a sign of pregnancy?

The normal signs of pregnancy are 1) late period 2) positive pregnancy test. Look to those first; abdominal tenderness is not a sign of pregnancy.

Is it possible to test positive after a miscarry?

Yes it is very possible. Untill your hormones go back to normal a pregnancy test can still read positive. It works using hormaone readings and it will take a bit of time to read regular-but a doctor can check you and that will be a positive answer to your questions.

Could a positive pregnancy test be wrong if bleeding occurs five days later?

There is always a chance a pregnancy test can be wrong, and there is also a chance you may have misread the results of the pregnancy test. But assuming the test results were accurate, you need to see your doctor ASAP.