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Mollies take about 6 months to reach sexual maturity.

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Q: How long does newborn molly fish grow into an adult?
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The name for a newborn star is called a gosling. This name is given until the grow big enough to be an adult.

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- It eats food. - It grows - Its an adult

What does a black molly look like?

Yes, a black Molly is a breed of fish in the breed "Molly". They grow up to about two and three-fourths inches from head to tail. These fish are a community breed so you can mix them with other community fish. They come from Central America.

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They have to grow up and be adult before they can breed

What problems could take place if all the fish eggs survived to grow into adult fish?

Well it is very unlikely for all of the fish's eggs to survive to adult but if they do they can fight so if i were you i would separate them.

How fast does newborn molly fish grow?

hi, they kinda grow normally not too fast not too 3 months they'll be able to give birth to their own babies too... and if it's the size u r asking about..well they are born like 3 mm each..after 3 weeks they reach nearly 1 cm..which is a good growth rate for a fish that stops growing at 7-15 cms.

Do molly fish eat algae off of other fish?

This is a great question! Algae does not grow on healthy fish. What you may be witnessing is the molly nipping at other fish as a territorial aggression. They can also nip or taste another fishes slime if they like it too. You may want to make sure your aquarium has plenty of cover and places to hide.

Development of young fish?

Fish, unlike mammals, continue to grow throughout their lives. When fish hatch, they eat only to grow as this is paramount to their survival. Their life cycle is as follows: egg, embryo, larva, juvenile, adult, senescence.

Can rusty cichlids live with my community fish?

Yes but you have to be aware of how big they get, because when they grow up to adult size they most likely will start to eat smaller fish.

What a humpback whales lengh is?

The average length is around 13-16 feet for a newborn. For a adult, it is 35-50 feet. Females tend to grow a bit longer than males do.

How do you tell an adult betta fish from a baby betta fish?

Adult betta fish, specifically the males, will grow in the majority of their fins as juveniles. When you see bettas in the stores for sale, they are typically around 2 years old already since it takes time for their full finnage to appear.