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Q: How long does pickled peppers last home canned?
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"Refrigerator pickles" haven't been processed in a cannery. Rather, they were left in a fridge or freezer after being made according to a traditional recipe. They have a weaker brine and don't last as long compared to canned pickles, which don't even require refrigeration.

How long do canned vegetables last?

Canned vegetables can last quite a long time if canned properly. Vegetables that have been canned can last for as many as 3-5 years if stored correctly.

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we have home canned salmon that was canned ten years ago. should we throw it away?

Can bacteria preserve canned foods?

Actually canning foods is a way to kill off bacteria so that they will last a long time. But some foods are made by using bacteria and then those foods are sterilized while being canned. Sauerkraut and pickled foods are prepared this way. But the bacteria don't sterilize the food,the high heat does.

How long does home canned applesauce last?

Generally factory-canned products can last for as long as 2-3 years, though they usually feature a best before/use by date.. If you packaged it yourself, the shelf life will be considerably shorter!

If you make a hot sauce recipe that contains canned tomatoes onion powder garlic salt sugar jalapeno peppers cilantro and vinegar then how long will it last if you can it?

I think it depends on how clean your jar is and how much air is in it.

How long can canned corn last?

Commercially canned corn should last up to three years.

How long is home canned jam good for?

It depends. some last for a year, and some last for a few months.

How long does pickled crab last in fridge?

Despite the fact that this food is pickled, it will not last long in the refrigerator.It will stay good for only a few days. 2 to 3 days at the most with shellfish.

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Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pudgy Purple Pickled Peppers ;D either that, or seven. thats what the last person put so i made it more exciting :D