

Food Canning

Canning is a method of using heat and vacuum to preserve foods for long term storage.

531 Questions

Where can you get plain aluminum cans?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can purchase plain aluminum cans from online retailers, local packaging supply stores, or directly from manufacturers. Some recycling centers and scrap yards may also sell plain aluminum cans.

How many ounces are in an expresso cup?

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An espresso cup typically holds around 1-2 ounces of liquid, which is much smaller compared to a regular coffee cup that usually holds 8-12 ounces.

Will tin containers react with spices?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tin containers may react with acidic spices over time, leading to a metallic taste in the spices and potential changes in color and texture. It's generally recommended to store spices in non-reactive containers such as glass or stainless steel to maintain their quality.

Is bees wax same as canning wax?

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No, beeswax and canning wax are not the same. Beeswax is produced by honeybees and is often used in cosmetics and candles. Canning wax, on the other hand, is typically made from paraffin or a mixture of waxes, and is used for sealing jars in home canning.

What bacteria can be found in home canned goods?

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Bacteria commonly found in improperly home-canned goods include Clostridium botulinum, which can produce the deadly botulinum toxin. This can cause botulism, a serious illness that can lead to paralysis and even death. It is important to follow proper canning techniques to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in home-canned foods.

What is the biggest pickle in the world?

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The biggest pickle in the world was created by the Pickle Packers International Inc. in 2018. It measured 8 feet and 4 inches in length and weighed over 78 pounds.

Why is jelly solid?

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Jelly is solid due to the gelatin used in its preparation. Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen, which forms a network that traps liquid and gives jelly its jelly-like consistency when cooled.

Is cooking pickles with vinegar in aluminum pot potentially harmful if swallowed?

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Asked by Wiki User

If pickles are cooked in a pot made of aluminum, the high acidity of the vinegar can react with the metal and leach aluminum into the food. Ingesting excessive amounts of aluminum may potentially be harmful to health, but the occasional consumption of pickles cooked in aluminum is unlikely to cause immediate harm. It's recommended to cook pickles in non-reactive cookware like stainless steel or glass to avoid any potential risks.

Disadvantages of canning?

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Disadvantages of canning include the time-consuming process, the need for specialized equipment such as a pressure canner, the risk of improper processing leading to food spoilage or illness, and the potential for changes in the texture or flavor of some foods.

Why does jelly dissolve?

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Jelly dissolves because it is made up of a network of gelatin proteins that trap water molecules. When placed in a liquid, the gelatin proteins absorb the liquid, causing the jelly to break down and dissolve. Additionally, the sugar content in jelly can also contribute to its dissolution in liquid.

Write two reasons why the process of cannin foodputting food in tins kills microbes?

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Canning food involves sealing the food in an airtight container, preventing oxygen from reaching the microbes, which are often aerobic and require oxygen to survive. Additionally, the high heat involved in the canning process destroys the microbial cells by denaturing their proteins and enzymes, preventing them from functioning and causing spoilage.

What is the value of blue Perfect Mason canning jars with the number 2 marked on the bottom?

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Blue Perfect Mason canning jars with the number 2 marked on the bottom are typically valued between $10 to $20, depending on the condition and rarity of the jar. Collectors often pay a premium for jars in good condition with clear glass and minimal defects.

What is ballistic jelly made from?

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Ballistic gelatin is made from mixing water and gelatin powder. Heating the mixture until it fully dissolves and then refrigerating it until it solidifies creates a material with similar density and consistency to human muscle tissue.

How does a pickle glow?

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Asked by Shortychick1994

A pickle can glow due to the phenomenon of fluorescence. When a pickle is placed under a black light, the fluorescent compounds in the pickle's skin absorb the light energy and re-emit it at a longer wavelength, producing a glowing effect. This makes the pickle appear to glow in the dark.

What herbs should you grow for making dill pickles?

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Asked by Deb

To make dill pickles, it is best to grow dill weed and fresh garlic. Dill weed adds the traditional dill flavor, while fresh garlic enhances the overall taste of the pickles. You can also experiment with adding other herbs like mustard seed, coriander, and bay leaves for additional flavor.

Is ice cream rock salt safe to eat?

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Rock salt is no different than regular salt.

What is needed to start caning at home?

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Asked by Wiki User

Following are the items needed to begin canning at home: water bath canner, pressure canner and cooker, canning rack, jars, jar lifter, magnetic lid lifter, wide neck canning funnel. In addition, there are canning kits available that make obtaining materials easier.

What is exhausting in canning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Exhausting cannig is a food process to eliminate air over de product before the liding and the sterilizing process in order to permit ideal thermical changes during the thermical treatment making it efficient

How have can openers changed technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

They have changed by getting better handles, improved gears and sharper cutters.

Is salicylic acid safe for use in pickles?

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Acetic acid is the chemical that gives vinegar its characteristic smell and taste. "Glacial" means water-free (no H2O). Glacial acetic acid is simply "pure" acetic acid. It is very strong and will burn the skin. Normal vinegar is mostly water with about 5% acetic acid.

Glacial acetic acid should be a safe additive in food as long as the final concentration is less than 25%.

How long does take for a pickle to rot?

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pickles can rot by not eating them fast enough it takes them about 900 years though so you have a while.....dont worry :D

When was the first canning machine made?

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In 1810, Nicolas Appert developed canning under the direction of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Also in 1810, Peter Durand patented the process of canning in tin cans in England.

How long are home canned tomatoes good for?

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Asked by Wiki User

What ever the date on the can say's,

or if no date about 1 year

Can you preserve leftovers by canning them in your canner?

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Asked by Robin

You should not in most cases. Canning foods is really a science of combining specific amounts of ingredients to achieve a product that meets a necessary ph level required to preserve the food. If the ph level is not acidic enough the food will develop botulism and can kill you. It is not always easy to detect the presence of botulism in food so following recipes that have been tested in kitchens approved by the USDA is very important. Please do not experiment with canning foods.