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Three years for most moving violations, ten years for an accident. What they don't tell you though is that you have to ASK to have them removed after that period of time, they don't get removed automatically. I recently requested my DMV report for job I've applied for. Imagine my Horror at seeing an accident from 1999 and two speeding tickets from 2000. I had no choice but to submit the report. Then I called the DMV and was given this #, 916-657-6525. This is the number you have to call in the State of California to request violations be removed from your DMV record. Of course they will only be removed if the mandatory amount of time has passed.

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14y ago

It depends upon exactly what type of reckless driving violation you were cited for in Virginia as to how long the conviction of the violation will remain on your VA driving record. In general though the VA DMV points and traffic ticket convictions list appears to list most reckless driving offenses as staying on your driver's history for eleven years.

For instance reckless driving, speeding in excess of 80 mph remains on your license for 11 years.

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15y ago

5 years unless they changed it. some charges stay longer. Virginia - 11 years call state highway troopers office, or the place you get your drivers license and they can tell you.

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13y ago

In CA, a DUI is surcharged for 3 years and you loose the good driver discount for 10 years, a reckless ticket is surcharged for 3 years.

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17y ago

Driving Violations stay on DMV records for 5 years.

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17y ago

It is my understanding that reckless driving, in most states, is applicable to insurance underwriting for 7 years.

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12y ago

It'll count against your insurance for three years, and will show on your MVR for seven.

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3 to 10 years.

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Seven years or until expungement.

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Q: How long does a speeding ticket stays on record in California?
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How long do speeding tickets and traffic violations stay on your record in minnesta and do they ever drop off?

Speeding tickets and minor traffic violations in the state of Minnesota will stay on your record for 5 years. Major traffic violations will stay on your record longer.

Do parking in handicap citations stay on your record in California?

Yes, it stays on your drivers abstract forever

Can a police officer issue you a speeding ticket if he was driving in front of you in the state of Florida?

Most likely yes. I am not familiar with Florida law and don't know if there is some unique prohibition against wrting a speeding ticket if in front of the speeding car. You have to check the laws there. It probably is allowed for the reason that a speeding ticket can be issued whenever the police can accurately guage your speed. Sometimes it is done with a radar gun but sometimes it is done by the police driving at a speed that keeps your two cars the same distance apart for a certain period of time. If the police car is going 80 mph and the distance between your cars stays the same, then you are doing 80 mph as well. If the speed limit is 65, your'e nailed and probably with a more accurate result than with a radar gun.

How long does it take for a speeding ticket to clear?

You have three days in New York State to pay your ticket. If not, you can be arrested. They'll even come look for you in another state or country.Another View: Every state is different. The time frame should be printed somewhere on the ticket itself. If you can't find it call your local traffic court and ask.

How long does a petty theft misdemeanor stay on your criminal record?

It stays on your record for the rest of your life.

Related questions

How long does a speeding ticket stays on your record?

In Ohio it stays on for 3 years.

How long will a speeding ticket stay on your record in the state of Idaho?

As with most states, a speeding ticket stays on the record for three years. There is little that can be done to have the record expunged.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your driving record?

In Ohio it stays on for 3 years.

When do speeding tickets go off your driving record in Oregon?

it stays on your driving record for 7 years

How long after you incurred a traffic violation does it appear in driving record in California?

don't know about CA, but in my state not until the ticket is paid, then it stays on there for 2 yrs.

How long do speeding tickets and traffic violations stay on your record in minnesta and do they ever drop off?

Speeding tickets and minor traffic violations in the state of Minnesota will stay on your record for 5 years. Major traffic violations will stay on your record longer.

How long does a minor in possession of alcohol ticket stay on your record in Iowa?

It always stays on your record, however the record is sealed to the public after you turn 18.

How long does driving after suspension stay on your driving record?

Each state has there own laws on how long driving after suspension stays on your driving record. For example, a suspension stays on record for three years in California, but in Michigan it stays for seven years.

How many years accident at fault stays on record in California?

3 years

How does a lewd conduct charge in California Stay on record?

A lewd conduct charge stays on the California criminal record for the lifetime of the perpetrator. This type of charge and all other charges that were not expunged from a record, remain on the record for life.

Do parking in handicap citations stay on your record in California?

Yes, it stays on your drivers abstract forever

Will you get stopped at Orlando airport for an unpaid speeding fine from Nevada 10 years ago?

You may get stopped at the airport if there is still an active warrant. Usually a warrant stays active until the ticket is paid. If you are worried about it, contact the court and pay your ticket.