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Q: How long does spermicide last before it expires?
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Once you have passed your theory test, you have two years to pass your practical before it expires.

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Anywhere, so long as your return flight is scheduled before the date your passport expires.

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AIDS is not curable, so it lasts until the person expires.

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mostly a week or two weeks before it expires

How long is the shelf life of Valium before it expires?

Valium has a shelf life of about six months before it expires. You should never take an expired medication or one that is not prescribed specifically for your current illness.

If you have less than 6 months left can you travel to Dubai?

A person may still travel to any country as long as the passport is not expired. How long before it expires is not taken into account unless the passport expires before the traveler is expected to return.

How long can you have your permit in new jersey before it expires?

Look on your permit. The expiration date is printed on it.

How long before the average saks fifth avenue coupon expires?

It all depends. Come coupons are for a specific day and some are for weeks at a time. Usually a coupons will be able to be used for at least a week before it expires.