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Q: How long does stage 4 of the sleep cycle last?
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How long do typical sleep cycles last?

It depends on the person, and the sleep, but the first stage averages at about 90 minutes, with stages 2-4 taking on average 100-120 minutes. The cycle generally proceeds from NREM (non-REM) stages 1-3 to REM (stage 4), back down to NREM, and back to REM, several times a night, generally ending in an REM stage before awakening.

Is there a sequel to the book a long long sleep?

There will be. It is still in the editing stage.

How long is REM sleep?

20-25% of the time during the full period of sleep.

Which stage of sleep is marked by long slow delta brain waves?

Stage 4. apex:)

Will the water cycle last for ever?

Water cycle is a continuous process. It will last long.

How long does the protostar star life cycle stage last?

It depends on the size of the star forming. For a one solar-mass star it lasts about 1,000,000 years.

How long is the average sleep cycle?

Around 90-110 minutes for adults and in children it's about 45 minutes.

How long is a typical sleep cycle in which a sleeper progresses through some or all of the sleep stages?


How long does the protostellar stage last for a star like your sun?

This stage is reckoned to last for about 100,000 years.

How long does each menstrual cycle last?

your menstrual cycle will last about 7 days

How long does it take to go through the sleep cycle?

Depends on the age of the person, for adults it's approximately seven to eight hours per night. However you do have cycles during your sleep, these are "REM" and "non REM" sleep. These cycles last roughly ninety minutes each, not a great idea to wake abruptly from REM sleep cycle as this can cause you to wake up like the Gringe!