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Q: How long does tamiflu stay in the body?
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If you are sick with an influenza illness, like Swine Flu (A-H1N1/09), the symptoms typically resolve after 3-7 days, for most people, without treatment with an anti-viral medication like Tamiflu. By the end of that time, most, if not all, of the virus particles have been destroyed (neutralized) and filtered from your body. With Tamilflu, studies have shown that the recovery is 1.3 days faster for participants taking Tamiflu than those who were given a placebo. So, it would likely follow that the virus would be destroyed and filtered from your body when treated with Tamiflu after 1.7 to 5.7 days. The typical length of time Tamiflu is prescribed is 5 days.

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If you were given Tamiflu as a precaution a month ago how long do you stay protected from the virus?

Tamiflu gives no protection from the virus. It is only used to treat the symptoms and make them less severe. The only protection from the virus is vaccination and that will only provide protection until the virus changes. It would have been given as a precaution to treat a possible infection the virus in the early stages, which is when Tamiflu is most effective.

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