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Q: How long does the blood flow have to be deprived of oxygen before it dies?
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What happens if your body does not get enough oxygen?

The brain requires these chemicals to function, so if you don't get enough, you will experience first intoxication, then unconsciousness, and finally death.A personmay dieio heor she loss oxygen in his or her blood

Where were the elements carbon oxygen and iron formed?

The elements carbon, oxygen, and iron were formed in the interiors of stars that have since dies and exploded, spreading their contents through dust clouds that later formed other stars and solar systems.

Is blood acidic or basic?

Blood is slightly basic, generally having a pH of about 7.4. The range it must maintain is between 7.0 and 7.8 or acidic coma or tetany ensues and the human dies.

What happens to carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle?

In the carbon cycle plants capture carbon dioxide , reacting it with water to produce sugars and oxygen gas. Animals can then eat those plants and react the sugars with oxygen, re-releasing the carbon dioxide. A similar process occurs when the plant or animal dies and decomposes, is burned in a fire, or if the animal itself is eaten.

Is there anything that will burn without oxygen?

Titanium burns in nitrogen as well as oxygen. You might get some argument that combustion mean "in oxygen" but I think it is fair to say that lots of things "burn" in something other than oxygen. They undergo chemical reactions while giving off light and heat.Combustion is a process in which some is oxidized in an exothermic reaction. Things can be oxidized by other chemicals than oxygen, such as Cl2 or F2, and that would be considered combustion.Pyrolysis is a thermochemical reaction in which organic matter undergoes decompostion(or combustion in another sense) in the absense of oxygen.This is a clear example of combustion without oxygen.See the Web Links to the left for more information.

Related questions

If lots of blood goes out of your body why do you die?

Every part of the human body needs oxygen, but the heart and the brain are the most critical body parts that will die soonest if they are deprived of oxygen. The brain dies in just 3 minutes without oxygen. Oxygen is carried by the blood, so if there is not enough blood, there will not be enough oxygen.

If the heart is diseased what will happen to the organism?

The organism will die. The heart pumps blood, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body- including the brain. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for more than 4 minutes, under most circumstances, the brain dies. When the brain dies, the organism dies.

What dies at a fracture site when deprived of nutrition?

When deprived of nutrition, osteocytes at the fracture site die.

Can men produce sperm after death?

No. Once the heart stops, blood supply to the brain stops. Once the brain is deprived of oxygen (after 10 minutes of oxygen deprivation the brain dies) it stops sending electrical impulses to the body and organs, including the testicles. Without oxygen, blood, or electrical stimuli, the testicles stop producing sperm. Sperm can, however, still be retrieved from the testes of a deceased male, but it is not "new" sperm produced after death.

How can the brain be deprived of oxygen?

The brain becomes deprived of oxygen when the creature depending on the brain fails to breathe. This can be reversed with quick medical attention; otherwise everything shuts down and the creature dies. Similarly if the air you are breathing is short of oxygen as in high altitude or with the use of gas mixtures such as nitrous oxide. with some of these situations it feel like you are breathing but you are in fact suffocating and causing damage to the brain.

How much blood can a snake lose before it dies?

100 liters

How much blood can a vampire drink before his her victim dies?

Until he or she runs out.

When calculating the rate of oxygen what happens to the paraffin droplet in the glass tube when the animal is removed from the syringe?

well basically nothing, the animal dies, it bleeds out the oxygen and blood. Then the animal goes into complete shock and the calms and dies. The animal is paralysed.

How does CO affect red blood cells?

Carbon dioxide binds to oxygen receptor sites on the hemoglobin molecule some 500 times better than oxygen and prevents the red blood cells from transporting oxygen. It eventually stops red blood cells from moving since the organism dies.

Why is blood type checked before blood transfusion?

If it is the wrong type, the red blood cells of the person clump together . Clots form in the blood vessels, and the person dies.

What is the meaning of bereft?

Bereft is being deprived of something like companionship or love if a dear one dies.

Why is blood type checked before a transfusion?

If it is the wrong type, the red blood cells of the person clump together . Clots form in the blood vessels, and the person dies.