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  1. i think its about 3 months. or 21 days. just keep him away from the mother and the babies so he wont impregnate her.
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Q: How long does the father guinea pig have to be separated from the babies and mother?
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Does the father have to stay away from his baby guinea pigs?

Yes,he should be separated from the mother as well as the babies because he can cause serious problems to the babies such as pregnant among baby Guinea Pigs,injuries,etc. When the babies are at two weeks old,you should distinguish between male and female baby Guinea Pigs and separate the male baby Guinea Pigs from the females.You can put the male babies with their father and the baby females with their mother.

Can a guinea pig be handled after labor?

After the guinea pig goes into labor, she should not be touched, and for seven days after she has her babies, neither her or the babies should be handled at all except for if the food dish or water bottle are empty. Note: make sure the father isn't near the mother when she has her babies. The father may try to hurt the babies or the mother.

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How long should the father rabbit stay away from mother and babies?

Until the babies are grown enough to leave the mother and separated into other cages. If you reintroduce the father he may get jealous of the attention the mother is giving to the babies and hurt the babies or kill them because he isn't getting the attention. Also, if you reintroduce the father when the babies are grown, the father might mate with the mother AND the females of the litter and then OOPS... more babies!

How long do you separate the male hamster from the female during birth?

Once my two hamsters had babies, I separated the father from the mother permanently, because if you put the babies and the father together, the father could kill the babies because he thinks they will challenge him for leader of the cage.

Are other female guinea pigs ok in the cage with guinea pig babies and the mother?

I would not recommend it. Just have the Mother Guinea Pig in with her babies separately. Sometimes the other guinea pigs can get excited and accidentally stomp the babies to death so best to keep Mom & babies separate.

How do you delievr guinea pigs babies?

you don't deliver the guinea pig babies. let the mother do her job. let nature take it's course. but i must warn you not to touch the guinea pig babies because the mother might not take care of them.

Will guinea pigs eat there babies?

The father guinea pig doesn't eat the babies, and neither does the mother. But always separate the father BEFORE the mother gives birth as she can become pregnant immediately after giving birth. This would be bad for her health, as her body needs some time to recover.

Can female guinea pigs have babies without male guinea pigs?

Not unless it is the father, take out the father 2 weeks before birth as the mother can become pregnant 2 hours after birth, this is fatal to the baby's and mother, the father may kill the baby's if left in same cage after birth. thank you hope i helped

How old does a guinea pig have to be to be separated from their mother?

at least half an year

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Can a mother have babies without the father?
