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Until the babies are grown enough to leave the mother and separated into other cages. If you reintroduce the father he may get jealous of the attention the mother is giving to the babies and hurt the babies or kill them because he isn't getting the attention.

Also, if you reintroduce the father when the babies are grown, the father might mate with the mother AND the females of the litter and then OOPS... more babies!

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Maybe 1,2, or 3 weeks :) just wait intill the bunnies grow

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Q: How long should the father rabbit stay away from mother and babies?
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Depends on if you want more babies. You should always keep them separated unless you are breeding, then you take the doe to the buck.

When two rabbits have babies should you separate the father from the babies?

yes, but only because the female rabbit could become pregnant again just hours after giving birth and will not be able to look after her new baby bunnies. The male rabbits make fantastic dads so if you were to get him neutered this would be fine. and the females tend to get very violent twards the male

How long after a doe rabbit weans her babies should she be mated again?

Does can become pregnant an hour after GIVING BIRTH. But DO NOT try this as it's dangerous for the mother.

Should the mother and father rabbit be in the same cage all the time or should they be separated?

Male and female rabbits should always be separated except if you are wanting to breed them.

What do you do if mother rabbit bites her babies?

If the mother rabbit dies take care of the baby rabbit like its motherfeed it the baby rabbit food.If the mother dies before babies are weaned you can get baby kitten milk replacer and a kitten baby bottle and feed the babies. IT IS A REALLY HARD JOB. The babies must be fed and then stimulated to go to the bathroom and then cleaned up just as the mother rabbit would do. (you can also feed them canned goat milk, I say canned because not too many people have a fresh goat on hand.)If the baby is old enough to be eating rabbit pellets you are OK, just give the baby extra grass hay and plenty of water (maybe put electrolyes made for rabbits in the water.)

Should you put your female rabbit in with your male rabbit when shes in heat?

If you want babies, Yes.