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It depends some have it for longer before it explodes but if you think you have it see a doctor right away!!!!

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Q: How long does the pain for an infected appendicitus spread?
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You have pain in your lower right side but if you push on it it hurts worse Is that a sighn of appendicitus?

It could or it could be a kidney infection. But if you have it any where in your lower stomach side or back it could be because your appendix floats around when infected. and try not to touch it it could make it worse.

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Symptoms of appendicitus in children?

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Can your infected ear gauge cause your ear canal to hurt?

I mean, I think so. I currently have an infected gauge in my left ear and have been suffering jaw pain and ear pain. So I really think it can. Im still trying to figure out why it's infected!!

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The diaphragm can not just become infected. However, the diaphragm can become injured and bruised that can cause extreme pain.

Can you have abdominal pain and lower back pain and throw up from drinking too much water?

No, but if you drink infected water you can.

How do you know your tongue is infected?

Sore throat, heavy swelling, excessive pain, fever.

What causes thumb pain?

splinter, broken, dislocated(it can happen, i have made it happen), infected