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Each church is different - they operate according to their own individual constitution and by-laws. Just about any church office should be able to provide a copy of their constitution. In my church, deacons serve for a term of three years and then have a one-year period afterward where they cannot serve except under some specific circumstances; if a deacon wishes "to get out", they can simply resign their position. This is all laid out in my church's constitution.

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Q: How long does the voted in position of being a Deacon in a Baptist Church last and does the Deacon have to stay a Deacon if he wishes to get out of being one after a couple of years?
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Who administers the sacrament of Marriage and how?

The couple minister to each other. However, only an ordained priest, bishop, or deacon can accept the consent of the couple in the name of the Church as witness. The two lay people (of the opposite sex) give and accept vows committing to each other in a life-long covenant of exclusive love and pledge to be open to life in every sexual act.

Can a Catholic deacon perform a Catholic wedding?

A deacon takes a vow of celibacy when he gets ordained, so he can not marry after that. In Catholicism, a Marriage is "performed" by the two people getting married, they give the sacrament of marriage to each other. The priest or deacon is just the Church's witness, neither of them can perform a marriage, both of them can witness a marriage.United StatesClergy, among a host of minor and major public officials, are allowed to perform marriages by law however the couple must have a civil marriage license. Without the civil marriage license the marriage is not valid.We have ordained deacons in the United States who are married and who have never taken a vow of celibacy. If their wife should die they are not supposed to remarry. An ordained deacon would be authorized as clergy to perform marriages and baptisms under state laws and church laws.

Can an unmarried couple living together rasing a child be members of a baptist church according to scripture or doctrine?

Yes, in some Christian sects an unmarried couple living together can raise their child according to scripture and doctrine. However, having a child out of marriage and living together before marriage is frowned upon in most churches.

Can a deacon marry a couple that are divorced and the groom was married by the Catholic Church?

.Roman Catholic AnswerA deacon may witness any marriage between two people who are free to marry. In the instance you give above "couple that are divorced and the groom was married by the Catholic Church" it is not clear what the case is. It would appear that you are saying the groom was previously married to someone else in the Catholic Church. If this is the case, it would appear that he was validly married already and thus would not be free to contract another marriage while his wife still lives. If, for some reason, the "Catholic marriage" was invalid, then the groom would be free to marry. You need to speak to a priest to make sure both parties are free to marry. If both the groom and the bride were previously married, then they would both have to seek an annulment (a declaration that no valid marriage occurred) even if the bride's marriage was not in the Catholic Church.

Can a couple get married in a church if one is from the Church of Christ and the other is from the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

== == If the church is only a setting for the wedding, almost anyone may be married in a church, generally speaking. Regarding the person who officiates, I don't know the rules in the Church of Christ, but an Adventist pastor would not be willing to perform a marriage between an Adventist and someone of another faith: in the Bible, it says to not be "unequally yoked," which for Adventists means that you shouldn't marry someone who has different beliefs. A Seventh-day Adventist pastor has to be ordained in order to be able to perform marriages. The position of the church is to marry a non-Adventist couple or an Adventist couple. Marring a non-Adventist with an Adventist is what the rule of the church does not allow. But there is the other option, civil marriage in court.