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the couple is from Pennsylvania

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Q: If a couple gets married by a deacon from Kentucky is the marriage legal?
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Can a Catholic deacon marry a couple in a civil ceremony?

Yes a catholic Deacon can marry a couple in a civil ceremony. The only rights the deacon does not posses is "Confessions" and "Holy Eucharist - i.e. Celebration of the mass."

If you get married by a deacon it is valid by the church?

Except in extreme cases, a marriage is only valid if it is done by the priest. A deacon cannot validly marry someone.

Can a deacon marry a couple that are divorced and the groom was married by the Catholic Church?

.Roman Catholic AnswerA deacon may witness any marriage between two people who are free to marry. In the instance you give above "couple that are divorced and the groom was married by the Catholic Church" it is not clear what the case is. It would appear that you are saying the groom was previously married to someone else in the Catholic Church. If this is the case, it would appear that he was validly married already and thus would not be free to contract another marriage while his wife still lives. If, for some reason, the "Catholic marriage" was invalid, then the groom would be free to marry. You need to speak to a priest to make sure both parties are free to marry. If both the groom and the bride were previously married, then they would both have to seek an annulment (a declaration that no valid marriage occurred) even if the bride's marriage was not in the Catholic Church.

What type of deacon can be married?

In the Catholic Church, permanent deacons can be married men. However, if they are single at the time of ordination, they are expected to remain celibate if their spouse passes away. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, men who are already married may be ordained as deacons.

Can Catholic deacons be married?

Yes, they certainly can, since one of the qualifications for a deacon relates to the character of their wives. Some would go so far as to suggest it is a requirement that they be married, rather than a possibility.

Can a Catholic deacon perform a Catholic wedding?

A deacon takes a vow of celibacy when he gets ordained, so he can not marry after that. In Catholicism, a Marriage is "performed" by the two people getting married, they give the sacrament of marriage to each other. The priest or deacon is just the Church's witness, neither of them can perform a marriage, both of them can witness a marriage.United StatesClergy, among a host of minor and major public officials, are allowed to perform marriages by law however the couple must have a civil marriage license. Without the civil marriage license the marriage is not valid.We have ordained deacons in the United States who are married and who have never taken a vow of celibacy. If their wife should die they are not supposed to remarry. An ordained deacon would be authorized as clergy to perform marriages and baptisms under state laws and church laws.

Can a catholic deacon marry?

Catholics are not allowed to divorce, so this question forces us to make some assumptions. *Correction - Catholics are allowed to divorce. Divorce is a civil action to reverse the civil aspect of the marriage. The Church discourages this but recognizes the legal reality. However, when Catholics are married in the Church, the marriage is considered indisolvable. An annullment declares that the Sacramental marriage never happened due to circumstances revealed by the person seeking annullment and discerned by the Tribunal to constitute conditions that prevented the marriage from happening (even though a wedding did occur). If an annullment is not decreed or persued, the couple, although divorced, are still married. If they then remarry or enter into a sexual relationship, the relationship is considered to be adultery. (cf. Gospel of Mark 10:11-12) This is not an arbitrary "rule" of the Church, it is Biblical, not an interpretation, but based on the documented words of Jesus Christ, Founder of the Catholic Church. * The rest of this answer regarding Deacons, is accurate. They can not remarry. If they divorce, suspension of faculties is considered, based on Biblical criteria (cf. 1 Timothy 3:12) Firstly, it would appear we are dealing with a permanent deacon, which is an innovation of the Church in modern times, for a transitional deacon, i.e. one in pursuit of the priesthood cannot be married prior to ordination Ordinarily, after ordination the deacon would not be allowed to marry for any reason - i.e. divorce/annulment or the death of his spouse. Jesus was Jewish, not founder of the Catholic church. The Catholic church was started by Peter his disciple. So you are most definitely mistaken in saying Jesus founded the church. He was crucified quite a time before the church was formed.

In catholocism how far can a married man go in church orders?

A married man can become a deacon if he is married.

Can an ordained deacon perform a marriage ceremony in Texas?

He should if the state allows it

How do you get married when you are a Catholic?

First off, you must talk with a pastor or deacon who will arrange for some counseling classes to determine if the couple is truly prepared for a life time commitment. That is the starting point. Your deacon or priest will advise you of further steps you may need to take before a wedding can be performed.

Can I rejoin the catholic church if I was married by a Presbyterian minister?

Yes, you can. If you were baptized as CATHOLIC and married by a Presbyterian minister your marriage is invalid in the eyes of the church ( although your civil marriage is certainly valid). You can have your marriage validated by the Catholic church as long as this is your first and only marriage and your spouse's first and only marriage. Your spouse and you would need to agree to raise any children Catholic, make a permanent commitment for life, and do this freely. If this is not a first marriage, it is still possible, but a bit more complicated, so contact a parish priest or deacon.

What title does a Catholic deacon have?

Yes. Usually deacon is only a degree before priesthood, but you can be so called "permament deacon". Permament deacons can't do things that priests can - celebrate holy mass, confess, but can (but it's not obligatory) be married. Person that want to be married constsnt deacon should have at least 35 years, finish special course, and if is married he should have permission from his wife. There is no difference between deacon that have to be priest, and deacon that will remain in this state for whole life.