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Q: How long does theflu virus survive on bedding?
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few seconds

Can Aids Virus survive in shower drains?

Aids depends on the right conditions to survive. it will not survive for long outside a live host.

How long can the virus survive in the air?

This will depend heavily on the virus you are asking about - the influenza virus is relatively hardy while the HIV virus is destroyed pretty quick.

How long will flu virus survive at 160 degrees?

The influenza virus is destroyed by heat at 167o - 212o F (75o - 100o C). The length of time it could survive or if it could survive at 160o is debatable.

How long can HIV virus can survive in the sample collected blood?

24 hours

Can aids virus survive under outside temperature?

No. HIV needs a host. It does not live long, outside the body.

Can you get a cold sore from a telephone?

It would be nearly impossible to get a cold sore from a telephone as the virus can't survive long outside of the body.

How long can you live with hanta virus without treatment?

You most likely won't survive from like fluid build up in your lung and etc.

How long can the hepatitus virus survive without a human host?

any virus needs a source of energyl to thrive and dies withing munits in abscense of such source. dirty hands-to-food, sharing the flatware is enough.

What bedding do ponies have?

Ponies don't necessarily need bedding. As long as you have rubber mats in the stall you can save the money on bedding. Some need it in the wintertime though.

How long hiv virus live in distilled alcoholic beverages?

how long does the hiv virus survive in alcoholic drinks if poured several drops of hiv positive blood in alcoholic drinks mixed with cold water how long does the virus of hiv will survive

Does HIV stay alive in dried blood?

HIV will not survive long outside the body; in most cases if the blood is completely dry, the virus is dead.