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Q: How long does yuengling beer last in the bottle?
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How long does distilled water last in a bottle?

It will last as long as the bottle holds up.

How long does an unopened bottle of alcohol beverage last?

There are a lot of factors to be considered. If the bottle is stored in the dark and a cool place, it can last for several years. If it is a homebrew or from a local brewery that doesn't filter the beer, the flavors can be greatly affected by the living yeast. There are some types of beer that actually improve with age.

What has a long neck but no head?

An empty beer bottle. Long neck, but the head has been drunk.

How do you stop the hurting in you arch of the foot after a long day?

you get a beer bottle and roll the arch of your foot over that. the colder the bottle the more relief you will get

How long does a bottle of scotch last unopened?

.Who is with you?

What does Long necks down mean?

If you are refering to longnecks as in "longnecks down" it would be refering to a beer bottle with a long neck.

How long will a bottle of chardonnay last after opened?

About a week.

What has a neck?

A giraffe has a long neck; so does a goose as well as certain waterfowl. There's also a long neck beer bottle.

How long is monavie good for?

If you open the bottle, you need to keep it refrigerated and it will last for a month. If it is an unopened bottle it should last for about a year :)

How long does a open bottle of wine last if you put a spoon in it?

A bottle of an opened white wine is OK for about a week. A bottle of an opened red wine can last about a month. How do you put a spoon in a wine bottle?

How long can beer ferment before bottling its been 5 weeks is it still ok to bottle?

1 week

How long does a bottle of white wine last?

7 days