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They start around 6-8 months of age and a heat lasts 3 weeks. Their heat cycle doesnt run every month like a humans, but every 6 months. (Lucky little things)

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Q: How long for first heat cycle in miniature schnauzer?
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How do you know when she in heat?

my miniature schnauzer was born 12/20/11 when will she have her first heat

When should you let your miniature schnauzer mate?

Approximately one day after it goes in heat.

How old should a miniature schnauzer be before having a liter?

At least a year. Wait until the 2nd heat cycle to breed them to decrease risk of death of health problems.

How often do miniature schnauzers go in heat?

Every 6 months with a heat cycle lasting 3 weeks.

How old will a miniature schnauzer be before she starts her period?

Maybe like 3 months old. They start it all the time and its not called a period, its called 'in heat'. A female dog can start their in heat at any time.

How many puppies does a miniature schnauzer?

They can have anywhere from 4 to 7 pups, my Schnauzers have proven this.

Can you breed a male toy schnauzer with a female Miniature Schnauzer?

when the dog got her first heat, this is the sign that they are mature enough to have litters, it is safe as long as you as the owner will keep her regular visits to her vet and always gives her all nutritional food and vitamins she need during this stage.

When do dogs have their first heat?

Most dogs have their first heat cycle between the ages of six months and a year.

How many babies can a schnauzer have?

It all depends on the date within the heat cycle of which they breed. The baby rate is between 1-9, any higher and all the babies wont live unless by miracle.

How long does the canine menstral cycle last?

My dogs first heat cycle lasted about 4 weeks.

When is the first cycle for a female dog a cross of German Shepherd dog and Labrador dog?

The first heat cycle for a female dog would be between 6-24 months. If she doesn't have her first cycle by then, you take a trip to the vet. And it doesn't necessarily matter what kind of dog it is to have a certain heat cycle. Hope this helps!

How long does a schnauzer period last?

All dogs heat lasts 3 weeks.