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First eggs are often undertended and lost (up to 40% among Eurasian oystercatchers), and parents incubate alternately and continuously for 24-39 days.

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Q: How long for the incubation of oystercatchers eggs?
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The word "incubation" directly refers to the time an egg needs to be kept warm before it hatches. Since cows do not lay eggs, they do not have an incubation period. They have what is called a "gestation" period. This gestation period is generally 285 days long.

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Meaning of Incubation?

the process providing warmth to the eggs to help them to hatch is called incubation

What ia the difference between natural and artificial incubation?

A hen sitting on her eggs until hatching takes place is an example of natural incubation. Eggs taken from the nest and placed inside an incubator, in which warming lamps help the eggs to hatch, is an example of artificial incubation.

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When a bird is sitting on its eggs it is?

It is called incubation.

Where are oystercatchers found?

Oystercatchers are found in all the continents exept Antarctica

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How long does it take a golden sebright hen to hatch its eggs?

21 days is the incubation time for all chicken breeds.