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80 years.

The Revolutionary War ended in 1781 and the Civil War began in 1861.

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Q: How long had the US been an independent nation when it found itself internally divided and at war with itself?
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How long did the US been an independent nation when it found itself internally divided and at war with itself?

80 years

How long was the us an independent nation when it found itself internally divided and at war with itself?

The United States became an independent Nation on September 3, 1783, with the Treaty of Paris. It found itself divided when, on December 20, 1860, South Carolina seceded, followed by Mississippi (January 9th 1861), Florida (January 10th), Alabama (January 11th), Georgia (January 19th), Louisiana, (January 26th), Texas (February 1st), leading to the foundation of The Confederate State of America (CSA). It found itself at war on April 12, 1861, after the bombardment of fort Sumter, which led Virginia (April 17th), Arkansas (May 6th), Tennessee (May 7th), North Carolina, May 20th), to join the Confederacy.

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Japan is an independent, self-governing nation.

How was Abraham Lincoln in union?

No, he wasn't, ha didn't even want to fight, he didn't think about black freedom, but the nation was divided, as he said a nation divided against itself, cannot satnd

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A country, state or nation that rules itself, not by some other country. It is free, it is independent.

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It was never an independent nation

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He was making a reference to the 12 states that left the union. Hence "a house divided" and he meant that if it stayed that way the nation couldn't stay a nation.

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It is obviosly an independent nation!( :

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Modern Israel, which declared itself to be an independent nation in May of 1948, is known as the Jewish State.

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Because we were, and remain, an independent nation.

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Because we were, and remain, an independent nation.

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When a state or nation has absolute control over its territory, it is said to have sovereignty. This means that the state has the authority to govern itself internally and externally without interference from other states.