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He was making a reference to the 12 states that left the union. Hence "a house divided" and he meant that if it stayed that way the nation couldn't stay a nation.

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Q: What did Lincoln mean by saying that a house divided against itself cannot stand?
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Who said these words in a speech in1858 A house divided against itself cannot stand I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free?

Abraham Lincoln

During which debates did Abraham Lincoln state a house divided against itself cannot stand?

He didn't say that in a debate, but in the Gettysburg Address. It is probably one of the greatest speeches any president has given.

To what did Abraham Lincoln refer when he said A house divided against itself cannot stand?

to ffollow carlos aguirre on twitter @aguirrecarlos54Answer:The wise President was quoting the Bible... applying it to the divisive, destructive state of the union at that time that threatened to tear the United States apart."...'Every kingdom divided against itself WILL BE RUINED, and EVERY CITY or HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF WILL NOT STAND..." (Matt.12:25 NIV).This is a prime example of "ONENESS" -- working TOGETHER for a "worthy" moral purposetoward the common goal of prosperity and success of everyone... as opposed to "every man for himself."Which is a guaranteed road to destruction. [like the road the nations of the world are on today]President Lincoln was merely uttering a "statement of fact" from God's Word, the Bible [the Truth; John 17:17], as a witness and warning to the nation... probably amid his prayers and crying out to God for His Mercy on the blinded, deceived nation. Hoping that He might open the eyes of the nation, that it might turn to Him "as one" in repentance... and for forgiveness. Not "divided and defeated."

Which of the following best summarizes the thesis of this excerpt in The House Divided Against Itself' Speech?

There is a risk that, one day, all states may permit slavery.

What box can protect your system against users making unauthorized changes and against malware installing itself without your knowledge?


Related questions

Which president said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Abraham Lincoln President said a house divided against itself cannot stand.

who said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand"?

The original quote is from the Gospel of St. Mark: "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." It was borrowed by Abraham Lincoln.

Who was the politician who said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Abraham Lincoln

What was Abraham Lincoln's famous quotation?

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"

Why did Abraham Lincoln meant by saying a house divided against itself cannot stand they believe this government cannot endure permanently has to leave at hospital?

When Abraham Lincoln said that a house divided against itself could not stand, he was referring to the issue of slavery. He did not believe the US government could endure operating with one half allowing slavery and the other not.

Lincoln said a what divided against itself can't stand.?

A house. A house divided amongst itself can't stand

What did Lincoln refer when he said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

His reference is to the states that had left the union . He felt that he couldn't allow them to leave.

Who said these words in a speech in1858 A house divided against itself cannot stand I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free?

Abraham Lincoln

What did Abraham Lincoln refer when he said a house divided against itself cannot stand?

His reference is to the states that had left the union . He felt that he couldn't allow them to leave.

How was Abraham Lincoln in union?

No, he wasn't, ha didn't even want to fight, he didn't think about black freedom, but the nation was divided, as he said a nation divided against itself, cannot satnd

Why did Lincoln say a house divided against itself cannot stand?

He wasn't talking about war, he was talking about the slaves. It was a a bible quote. And Jesus knew their [the Pharisees'] thoughts, and said unto them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." He was saying a nation can't be half in slavery and half free.

Who said the quote A house divided against itself cannot stand?

Abraham Lincoln