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Regarding what The Bible says:

The closest answer the Bible gives is in Genesis 1:1. It says: "In the beginning."

The Bible does not give any details whatsoever as to when 'the beginning' was.

There's certainly nothing wrong with looking at 'science', as long as it doesn't conflict with God's Word.

Science has determined that the light we're receiving right now from far-away galaxies, left those galaxies many light-years ago. (I'm not sure what the longest distance is, that has been discovered. Therefore that figure would give some clue as to how long the Universe probably existed. Therefore that figure would probably not conflict with what's in the Bible. Perhaps someone will provide such a figure.)

The Bible does state that God is 'eternal'; that he has no beginning.

God had already created things even before he created the universe. God created 'spirit beings' like himself, called angels. God and the angels exist apart from the physical universe. They are not limited by the various forces that binds the universe.

About what Islam teaches, I'm not sure.

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Q: How long has the universe existed according to Christianity and Islam?
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