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Q: How long have remote control cars been around?
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Are gas powered remote control cars more efficient than battery powered remote control cars?

Battery powered remote control cars are more efficient and economical.

What types of control consoles are there for remote controlled cars?

Some examples of control consoles available for remote controlled cars include the traditional remote control gun and a joystick. It is now even possible to reprogram a universal remote control to work with remote controlled cars.

Where can one find a remote control for cars?

One can find a remote control for cars in car company retail stores. In addition, one can find a remote control for cars online in stores such as Amazon.

Where can I find information on remote control cars?

You can find some good information on remote control cars at the HobbyTron website. Amazon and eBay also offer good information about remote control cars.

How durable is a remote control car?

Durability of remote control cars is determined by the quality of the model of remote control car that you own. Cheaper cars won't last as long as higher end cars.

Can you recharge batteries for remote control cars?

Yes you can recharge batteries for remote control cars. Some remote control cars come with a rechargeable battery pack, while some you have to buy rechargeable AA's for them.

Does Walmart have any remote control cars?

Walmart sells a variety of remote control cars. They sell remote controlled, trucks, cars, race cars, trains, and even police cars.Above and beyond this they also sell remote controlled helicopters.

What does the company Autostart sell?

Autostart is a company based in Canada that sells remote control cars. It has been in service for a decade and has supplies remote control cars to over 50 countries worldwide. There remote control car is one of the most successful in the world, which is why they continue selling this product.

What kind of gas do remote control cars take?

Most Remote Control cars do not need gas. Instead they use batteries which need to be put in the car and the remote.

Where can one buy remote control cars?

Remote control cars can be found at any store with a toy section available. Or they could be found in a toy store itself. They all offer many different types of remote control cars.

Inventor of remote control cars?


What is a RC transmitter used for?

According to information RC transmitters relates to radio signals for a remote control device. The radio singles are transmitted to any device that has been designed to work by remote control such as toy helicopters and remote control cars to name just a couple of remote control types of items.