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Q: How long have the Aborigine's been living in Australia for?
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How long have the Aborigines been going for?

There is evidence of human habitation in Australia for the last 40,000 years. Probably, Aborigines have inhabited Australia for around 50,000 years.

How long have aboriginals been in australia?

Aborigines have been in Australia for anowhere between 5000 and 40000 years.

How long has the aborigines been native to Australia?

The first Europeans to settle in Australia landed at Port Jackson (the present site of Sydney) on the 26th of January 1788. This settlement started of as a penal colony.

How long the Aborigines have lived in Australia?

The term "aborigine" means "original inhabitant". Aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia and have been there for some 50,000 years The term "aborigine" means "native" or "original inhabitant". Aboriginies have lived in Australia for approxamately 50 000 years (Aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia)

How long has the numbat existed in Australia?

It is not known how many thousands of years numbats have lived in Australia, but they are believed to have been here since before even the Aborigines arrived.

How old are Australian aboriginals?

The correct term is "Aborigines". "Aboriginal" is an adjective. Australian Aborigines are as old as any other human being. If you want to know how long they've been in Australia for, about 40,000 years.

Who are aborgions?

the Aborigines native people of Australia. they have lived in Australia for at least 50,000 and possibly as long as 65,000 years!

Did the Chinese discover Australia?

No, the Aborigines were the first people in Australia, and they were originally from the Indian subcontinent. The first known Asians to have contact with the Australian continent (long before any European explorers) were the Macassans, from modern-day Indonesia. It has been speculated that the Chinese may have been in contact with the Aborigines before the continent was settled by Europeans, but there is little, if any, evidence to support this.

What are wichety grubs?

Witchetty grubs are large (up to 7cm long), wood-feeding cylindrical larvae of the cossid moth. They are prized as a delicacy among Aborigines living in semi-traditional communities in Australia's outback.

How long have aborigines been on the Earth?

Aboriginal people are believed to have inhabited Australia for at least 60,000 years. They are considered to have one of the oldest continuous cultures on Earth.

What year did the aborigines invade Australia?

The Aboriginal people never did invade Australia, The British people did. Aboriginal people roamed Australia long before the British/white people did. (:

How many aborigines are there left on earth?

"Aboriginal" is an adjective which describe a type of people. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are the indigenous people of Australia, the first natives of Australia, and believed to be most closely related to the indigenous people of the Indian subcontinent. The Australian Aborigines were in Australia long before the first Europeans, the Dutch and Portuguese, discovered the Australian continent.