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Q: How long in advance a unit can reserve a range or training site with the range facility management support system?
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How far in advance does range facility management support system Allow Units To Reserve Range And Training Area as much as?

24 months/ two years

What is range facility management support system rfmss?

allows units to reserve range up to two years....well dudes.

How far in advance will Range facility management support system allows units to reserve range and training area asset?

military planning consist of joint strategic planning with it's three subsets

What is rfmss?

allows units to reserve range and training areas up to two years in advance

How many months in advance does RFMSS allow units to reserve range and training area assets?

24 mos

What is management reserve in project management?

First of all let me answer what is a reserve. A reserve is either set aside time or money for a "rainy day". There are two main types of reserve contingency and management reserve. You get your contingency reserve from analysing what can go wrong and if it dose how much time or money you may need. As a project manager you have authority on those funds. Management reserve is money set a side by senior management for the project in case something goes wrong that the project simply could not make plans for e.g. natural disasters. The project manager dose not have authority over these funds and have to request it from management. Differences Contingency reserve .............................. Management Reserve ===============............................. =============== for risk you can plan for .........................For Events no one can predict Controlled by project Manager.............. Controller by Senior management These topic and more are covered in PMP and CAPM training

What does NJ-ROTC stand for?

Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps.

Evidences on the benefits of rotc in the Philippines?

The ROTC is a component of the National Service Training Program in the Philippines. It stands for Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and its primary purpose is to provide students with military training.

What are the definition of rotc?

Reserve Officers' Training Centre.

What do ROTC Standred for?

Reserve Officer Training Corps

What is meaning of rotc?

Reserve Officer Training Corps

What does ROTC stand for?

Reserve Officer Training Corps It trains officer for duty in the Army. Upon graduation from Army ROTC, you will earn the bar of a Second Lieutenant and be commissioned into the Active Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard. The other branches have their own types: NROTC is Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps, which provides both Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Officers. AFROTC is Air Force Reserve Officer Training Crops. NJROTC is Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, which provides both Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Officers. MCROTC Marine Corps Reserve Officers Training Corps (If you put a "J" it means junior which is high school ROTC)