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i would know i am a Lebanese girl only for 2 to 2 1/2 hours hopes this helps.

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2 hours, tops

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Q: How long is Hummus safe to eat unfrigerated?
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Is it safe to eat hummus if opened after the best sell by date....Its only been open a week but it has fungus on it?

It is probably safe to eat hummus if opened after the Best Sell By date, as this is the date the manufacture suggests to have it off the shelves by. However, if you see fungus on the product, don't eat it - it has already spoiled and trying to scrape away the fungus to get to the hummus that still looks good can make you sick.

Is it safe to eat hummus after the expiration date if refrigerated and unopened?

YES! I just recently ate hummus, already opened, and it was expired. It didn't get me sick and it tasted the same as it did the first time I opened and ate it. So, yes, it is safe to eat hummus after the expiration date, opened or not.

Do afghans eat hummus with chips or bread?

Afghans typically eat hummus with naan, a type of flat bread.

Why do people eat hummus?

Because it is delicious!!

Do libyan people eat hummus?


How long is jerky safe to eat?

As long as it isn't moldy and doesn't smell bad it is safe to eat.

Is hummus safe to eat after power loss?

If it stayed in an fridge that remained cool, it should be okay. However, it is made from beans, which can have an issue with botulism if not properly stored. If there is a question, go ahead and toss it out.

Can chickens eat hummus?

As long as it hasn't spoiled, it is okay as in small amounts occasionally. It is not really good for chickens to get a lot of moist foods, as it can sour their crops.

What type of food do archers eat?

Spicy sausage, crackers, celery, and hummus.

What is the best way to eat hummus?

With olive oil & tahina and a pita bread

Is it safe to eat snow or to drink it's melt?

yes its safe, as long as its not yellow !

Is is safe to eat banana pudding after being room temp for 28 hours?

No food left out that long would be safe to eat.