

How long is a prescription for sleep apnea good for?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How long is a prescription for sleep apnea good for?
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Long pauses of breat?

Long pauses of breathing, breathing by mouth , night sweats and specially snoring during sleep are signs of sleep apnea. But those jerking movements are not caused by sleep apnea.

Is sleep apnea considered as disability?

In Britain, any condition that has a serious and long term negative effect on your ability to function in day-to-day life is considered a disability under the Equality Act 2000. Sleep Apnea can be registered as, and treated as, a disability in many cases.

What causes sleep apnea?

Who really knows why we get Sleep Apnea, the better question may be...What causes Sleep Apnea? Sleep Apnea, simply occurs because your airway closes while you are trying to sleep! There are many stages of sleep that we drift in and out of. The stages that we are inclined to get our best sleep, the restorative sleep that we all need to feel good, can also cause our muscles to relax and subsequently closing our airway, causing what is called an arousal. This however is only one way this occurs...if you were to look at he throats of many people with Sleep Apnea, you would see that there throats almost seem small or closed, as opposed to some people you could see all the way down their throat, into their lungs almost! The point being that if you have a throat that is more closed than open, you may have a greater chance of having Apneas. The best way to determine why you may have Sleep Apnea is to have a Sleep Test done by a qualified professional. Not being treated for Sleep Apnea could be very serious to your good health! See related link below.

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How long is a prescription for Percocet good for?

There are dates on the prescription paper and on the prescription container that will tell a person how long their prescription can be used. This varies from weeks to a year.

Does REM occur in sleep panic patients?

REM sleep is our restorative sleep. We all need it to restore our bodies. Patients with Sleep Apnea often have a decrease in the amount of REM sleep they get but still go into REM as does everyone. You may not achieve REM every time you sleep especially when you are just taking a short nap. There may be nights that a Sleep apnea patient does not achieve REM but that does NOT mean they never have REM sleep. When someone who has Sleep Apnea achieves Rem stage the apnea events increase because the tension and mucsles relax causing the obstruction in the airway to get worse. In turn the body reacts to the lack of air by gasping, choking, moving until the obstruction releases long enough for the person to breathe again. This often brings the person out of REM stage and into a lighter stage of sleep or wake stage. Therefore REM is often reduced. Around 20% of our total sleep time a night in REM is consider normal. Most sleep apnea patients' Rem is considerably less than this.

How long is a prescription good for in Michigan?

One year

What's the best natural way to cure sleep apnea?

The best natural ways to cure sleep apnea is to use acupuncture or herbs. Still for long time treatment the best way is probably to simply change to a more healthy lifestyle. Try to workout more, eat healthier and stop with smoking or alcohol.

Is it dangerous to not sleep for a long time?

Sleep deprivation is not good for you in the long term

How long is a Ritalin prescription good for in Maryland?

7 days ?

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2 months

Does Vyvanse affect sleep apnea?

Effexor XR increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Serotonin makes people sleepy, and norepinephrine wakes them up. Since everybody's brain is wired differently, Effexor might make one person sleepy while waking up another person. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person stops breathing over and over again during the night. Because of this, the person does not get a restful sleep. As a consequence, during the day he is very sleepy. Some people with sleep apnea are so sleepy during the day that they doze off while driving their cars. Thus, sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease. Sleep apnea can be treated with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), a device which has a mask which is worn all night long, and keeps the person's throat open with air pressure so that the person does not stop breathing while sleeping. If a patient is taking Effexor, and it tends to make that particular patient sleepy, and the patient has sleep apnea, and the sleep apnea is not being treated, then the Effexor is potentially dangerous for that patient to take. It will make him even more sleepy during the day, and might even increase the frequency of his apneic episodes during the night. If Effexor makes the patient more alert, on the other hand, it might be beneficial. However, Effexor does not affect the mechanism that causes the person to stop breathing during the night. So it is not a treatment for sleep apnea.