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Q: How long is credit report good for on usda loan?
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How long is a credit report good from the time of mortgage application?

The loan will need to close within 90 days of the issue date of the credit report.

What are factor approving vehicle loan?

Good credit report, employed at the same place for a long period of time are few factors that help in approval of vehicle loan.

How long after repossession can you get a car loan?

The repossession stays on your credit report for 7 years.

Is a co-signed loan on my credit report?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is that when you co-sign a loan for another person, you agree to be responsible for that loan should they default so if they fail to pay the loan back, the creditor will expect you to shoulder the responsibility. If you fail to pay the loan back, it goes on your credit report.

How long can a credit card company keep applying charge off to your credit report after the loan was paid in full?

7 years

How long does a paid credit card account that has been closed stay on your credit report?

Forever, since it looks good on your report.

Who can help me with credit advice when seeking a small loan?

There are many banks that can help with a small loan as long as you have good enough credit. One such bank is They can help with the loan.

How long do car loans stay on a credit report?

If its just the loan, then the line of credit will end after 7 years of the final payment. Same with bad payment info. But Credit score will not change unless newer lines of credit have been opened and made good/worse.

How many points will your credit score increase if you pay off your student loan?

Probably not very much. Credit scores are built around paying on time, how much you currently owe, and how long you've had credit. Paying off a loan won't raise your score much, but an on-time paying history for that loan will be a real good thing for your score and report once it appears.

If someone opens up a new loan account or line of credit how long will it take for that new account to show up on their credit report?

30 to 90 days

How long does it take for a new car loan appear on you credit report?

about 3 mo.but it my take up to 12 mo for you to get any credit rating from takes time to show that you will pay a loan on time correctly.

Dismissed chapter 7 bankruptcy How long does it stay on your credit report?

it can stay on your credit report for as long as 10 years.