

Best Answer

Long enough for you to realize that you shouldn't particularly be implying to the internet that you would be concerned with such a problem/ To who ever wrote this, instead of making some dumb comment about what you think they should not be doing, answer the question. If you don't know the answer, then shut up.

Thank you Normal Person. I agree 100%. People need to answer the question or say nothing at all.

to answer the question: casual users is up to 5 days, chronic users up to a week.

Everyone says that the average is 3 days/72 hours but it can vary. It would be safe to count on it being in your system 5 days.

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12y ago

12-16 hours depending on amount used, and wether it was smoked or booted

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Q: How long is heroin in urine?
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Does bleach clean urine of heroin test?

If you mean would bleach remove heroin from a urine sample the short answer is no heroin is a drug not a bacteria or virus if bleach was added to urine it would definitely not take the heroin out of the urine if it were present.

How long will heroin show up in a urine test if sent to a lab?

no idea but I would hope that you aren't taking heroin because you will die ;(

How long does it take after heroin is used before it is detectable in blood or urine screenings?

Immediately in blood. Within 5 minutes in urine.

How do you cleanse your urine of heroin?

It is not possible to clean heroine out of a person's urine.

How long does it take heroin to get out your system if you smoke it?

Heroin will stay in the urine for 3-5 days

How do you pass urine test if used heroin if you used?

Stop taking heroin.

How can you get a clean urine from heroin when i smoked it last night and got to give sample today?

how can i get a clean urine from heroin when i smoked it last night and hot to give urine sample today.

When does heroin reach your urine after shooting it?

8 hrs?

Will heroin show up in your urine if you stayed clean for 4 days?

Heroin will be out of most people's systems in 1 to 3 days. Four days will be beyond the threshold, since Heroin is water-soluable, so it will not show in your urine.

How many hours does it take for heroin to enter your urine?


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How long does it take for heroin not to show up on a urine drug test?

3 to 7 days. It stays in the hairs until they are cut or fall out.