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Q: How long is it safe to leave turkey on bone?
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Can you leave a turkey on the bone overnight?

As long as turkey is refrigerated it will be safe

Is it safe to give dogs turkey bones?

Turkey and Chicken bones are fine as long as they are raw.

Is it safe to leave dressing in a turkey once it is cooked?

For 1 hour max. It's best to remove stuffing prior to carving the turkey.

How long is cooked turkey removed from the bone safe to eat?

This food will keep for about 5 days in the refrigerator. Place the food in an air tight container for best results. It can later be transferred to the freezer for longer storage.

Is it safe to eat turkey burgers?

Of course it is safe to eat turkey burgers however if you have allergy from turkey meat or the turkey meat is expired and out of date it is not safe. It is safe while you have a healthy turkey and you do not have allergy.

How long does ground turkey stay safe in freezer?

Ground turkey should last in the freezer for 6-8 months.

Is it safe to eat meat off the bone?

yes... as long as it is cooked properly.

How long would you stay in the trenches?

until it WA safe to leave

How safe is to for a American to go to turkey?

Turkey is a safe place for Americans, and well worth the trip.

Is it safe to eat ground turkey that's been frozen for 8 months?

As long as you bring it up to an internal temperature of 165°F, it will be safe to eat. Add 50% more time to cook a frozen turkey and remember to remove the giblet bags as the turkey thaws during cooking. See Related Links.

How long is cooked turkey safe left on counter?

Cooked turkey should not be unrefrigerated for more than 2 hours. Less time is better.

Are walk in bathtubs safe and why?

Yes, they are safe as long as you put friction sch as rubber mats which prevent the unfortunate event of slipping, or breaking a bone. So, yes, it is safe to have walk in baths as long as you follow accurate guidelines.