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Mercury takes about 88 Earth days to revolve around the Sun.

Earth takes about 365.25 (Earth) days to revolve around the Sun.

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Q: How long is mercury's revolution around the sun compared to earth?
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What is the length of mercurys revolution around the sun?

It is approx 88 earth-days.

What is the Mercurys atmosphere compared to earth?

Mercury has no atmosphere.

How much times can mercury go into earth?

If Mercury's volume was compared with Earth's volume, then 18 Mercurys could fit inside the Earth.

What is mercurys period of revolution in years?

Mercury's period of revolution around the Sun is about 88 Earth days.

What is mercurys revolutionary period?

88 Earth days to revolve around the Sun. About 58.65 Earth days to rotate on its axis.

How long are mercurys years?

The year on the planet Mercury is very short. A year on this planet lasts 88 days compared to 365 days on Earth.

What is the revolution for mercury?

It takes the planet Mercury the equivalent of 59 Earth days to make one revolution on its axis. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

How do mercury radius and mass compare with the earths?

Mercurys mean radius is around 2,439.7 km, which is around 38.39% of earth radius or 0.3829 Earths. Mercurys mass is around 3.3022×10 to the 23 kg, around 5.5% of earths mass or 0.055 Earths.

Does the moon's revolution around earth affect our seasons?

No. Earth's seasons are a product of Earth's revolution around the sun.

What is another name for revolution of the earth?

The Earth's Rotation if you are talking about its revolution around its primary axis,or the Earth's orbit around the sun.

If I'm 15 how many times has earth revolved around the sun?

15. One year is one revolution of Earth around the Sun.15. One year is one revolution of Earth around the Sun.15. One year is one revolution of Earth around the Sun.15. One year is one revolution of Earth around the Sun.

How many mercurys would equal the size of earth?

The size of Earth equals to 12,756 kilometers while Mercury's size is 4879 kilometers. Around 2.6 Mercuries would fit into Earth.