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Q: How long is my posion ivy rash going to last?
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antihistamines (like Benadryl) and hydrocortisone creams

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It depends on what sort of rash it is, and what treatment you are using.

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Posion Oak was not found to kill. It causes severe rashes and other skin irritations. Maybe a lot can be very harmful to your body, but normally would not kill you. If you have a rash or skin irritaion from posion oak, it can be treated. Never touch or go around posion oak.

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it may last for 2-3 days

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5 years

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it usauallly last around 1 to 2 weeks at the least

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This is not contagios

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Why does scarlet fever rash last so long?

Because the scarlet fever releases exotoxins into your body... The rash is your body's allergic reaction to those exotoxins. And it usual takes six to nine days for your body to remove the exotoxins so that is why the rash stays for so long... hope this helps

How long does a rash on forehead last?

It all depends on what caused the rash in the first place. A heat rash will go away quickly and a rash cause by a bacteria or a virus will take 7-10 days. Some can be caused by food or other allergies.