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a fraction of a second ... but usually a single day (or night) it's close enough.

But it looks full for about 3 days

technically, a full moon represents the instant that the moons shadow completely disappears because of it's alignment with the earth and the sun. This is known as a lunar phase. On average, humans can not determine the exact moment this lunar phase occurs without the aid of a telescope. Therefore, the full moon appears to remain full for a period of 36 hours - 18 hours before this lunar phase and 18 hours after - to the naked eye.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The answer to this question depends on how we measure a "day". If we think of a day as the amount of time it takes the moon to rotate 360oon its axis, then one lunar day is about 27.32 Earth days long. However, if we consider the perspective of an observer standing on the moon, then a day is the amount of time between two sunrises (or sunsets, or noons; from any point, around and back to the same point). In this case, a lunar day lasts about 29.5 Earth days. This is usually the definition that astronomers prefer.

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1mo ago

Nighttime on the moon lasts about 14 Earth days. This is due to the moon's slow rotation, which causes the same side of the moon to face Earth for an extended period of time. During this time, temperatures on the moon can drop significantly.

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12y ago

Lunar month is of twety nine and half days brokn into two equal parts of ascend and descend, each of 14 days terminated by full moon and new moon lternatively. Logically full moon is for less than a day by couple of hours.

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15y ago

Each "day" - from Sunrise to Sunrise - on the Moon is 29.5 days.

The Moon actually spins in 27.3 days, but because the Moon is also circling the Earth, the lunar "day" is a little different.

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15y ago

The position of the moon is constantly changing, so in reality it is only full for an instant. To us it usually looks full on just one night and very close to full on the nights closest to that. Some calendars give the dates of the different phases of the moon and if you carefully observe it on and around those dates, you will notice a slight difference each night.

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12y ago

If you stay in one place on the moon and don't move around, you have the sun

up in your sky for 14.77 Earth days, followed by the sun down and invisible for

the next 14.77 Earth days. So, roughly 2 weeks of day and 2 weeks of night.

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14y ago

What's a day on the moon ? The length of time between two sunrises in the same place ?

If that's what a day is, then it's 29.531 earth days, or 2,551,478 seconds (rounded).

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14y ago

Earth's equatorial diameter is listed as 7,926 miles.

Equatorial circumference = pi D = 24,900 miles.

Average earth-moon distance is listed as 238,856 miles = 9.59 times earth's circumference

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9y ago

January is the month of the Full Wolf Moon. It appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. It is also known as the Old Moon. To some Native American tribes, this was the Snow Moon, but most applied that name to the next full Moon, in February.

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Does the moon have daytime and nighttime?

No, the moon does not have daytime and nighttime like Earth. Instead, the time when you can see the moon depends on its position in relation to the Sun and Earth. When the moon is on the side facing the Sun, we see it as fully illuminated (full moon), and when it is on the side facing away from the Sun, we see it as not illuminated (new moon).

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No, because the moon orbits the Earth. If you are in Egypt and it is nighttime, the moon would likely be visible somewhere in the sky above you, not on the other side of the Earth.

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