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Q: How long is the harvest festival celebrated for?
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Which festival is celebrated as 'harvest festival' in Punjab?

Lohari & Vasakhi both are the 'harvest festival' of Punjab.

What is the pongal festival?

Pongal is a four-day festival of the harvest in India

Who celebrated a harvest festival called Cerelia?

The Romans.

Is baisikha a Hindu festival?

Baishaki is a festival of SIKhs.Its the harvest Festival of Sikh which is celebrated in April followed by Hindus festival MakraSakanti.

What is the Indian harvest festival called?

The Indian harvest festivals is called the Sankranti or Makar Sankranti. The Indian harvest festival is usually celebrated in January and goes by different names in different states.

What is the name of the festival that celebrated the gathering of wheat harvest?

Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)

How Malaysia celebrate harvest festival?

Malaysia celebrates harvest festival May of each year. This is celebrated with agricultural shows, cultural programs, buffalo races, and traditional games.

Which state celebrate the festival pongal?

Pongal is a one of major festivals of south India which is a four day long harvest festival and celebrated mainly across Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu & Karnataka.

Who celebrated Samhain?

Samhain is an old Gaelic holiday celebrated by Druids, Pagans and Wiccans. It was a celebration of the third and final harvest festival of the year.

Is nabanya festival is a harvest festival?

yes,nabanya is a harvest festival

What kind of festival was the first thanksgiving?

The first Thanksgiving was a type of festival to celebrate toe first successful harvest of the colony. The Pilgrims and the Wampanoag celebrated with a feast.

What do Sikh people celebrate?

The Mela of Baisakhi festival which is a celebrated in Norton India around April-May time to celebrate Harvest Festival and New Year Day.