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Q: How long is the incubation period for kawasaki disease in children?
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What is Parkinson's disease's incubation period?

Scientists have no factual evidence regarding the incubation period for Parkinson's disease. Some believe it can build up over a lifetime while others think there is no incubation period.

What is the time between initial exposure of a disease and the appearance of first symptoms?

Incubation period

How do incubation periods differ from latency periods?

Incubation period is the period between infection and clinical onset of the disease, and latent period is the time from infection to infectiousness.

What incubation period?

The incubation period is the time between when a disease enters your system (through the air, bodily contact or a cut in your skin for instance) and the time when you actually show symptoms of the disease.

What is the incubation phase of a disease Give 2 specific examples of the lengths of incubation phases for different diseases?

The incubation phase of a disease is the time period that elapses between exposure to a disease causative agent or a pathogenic organism and when the first symptoms occur, for example incubation period of Cellulitis is 1 day, and that of Influenza is 2 days.

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the incubation period is unknown for Alzheimer's disease.

What is the incubation period for mad cow disease in humans?

Mad Cow disease in humans is known as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The incubation of mad cow (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) in bovines is anywhere from 30 months to eight years. The incubation period for vCJD in humans is unknown as of now, but experts speculate that the incubation period could be anywhere from 8 months to 50 years.

Time during which a disease becomes established in the body 2 words?

Incubation period

How long is the incubation period of alzheimer's?

It is unknown how long the incubation period is for Alzheimer's but what is known is that around 70% of the brain that is affected by the disease is damaged before the first symptom is usually noticed.

Explain incubation period?

The incubation period is the time between when a disease enters your system (through the air, bodily contact or a cut in your skin for instance) and the time when you actually show symptoms of the disease.

How Long Is Its Incubation Period For Tay Sachs?

Sorry, Tay-Sachs is not a germ-caused infectious disease, so there is no incubation period, at all. Tay-Sachs is inherited from a person's mother and father.