

How long is the longest human toe?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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12 inches, because 12 inches is in a FOOT!

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Q: How long is the longest human toe?
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The nerve cell that go from your feet are the longest cells in your body. The sensory cell that goes from the tip of your toe is the longest one. They go to your back in the spinal cord. Why they go there has no reason but then that is the design of the nature.

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Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. And Nerve cell is the longest cell in the human body. So the motor and sensory cell that go to the feet are the longest cells in your body. They go from your back to the feet. The sensory cell go to the tip of great toe.

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Some axons can be short. Others can be very long - for example from the base of your spine to the tip of your toe.

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There is no official record or documented case of the longest toe hair ever recorded. Individual hair length can vary greatly depending on genetics and personal grooming habits.

Which is the great toe on the human foot?

The "great toe" is the largest toe on the human foot--the one on the right of the left foot and on the left of the right foot. In the US it is more commonly known as your "big toe."

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How does a human toe differ from a gorilla toe?

Their big toe is prehensile, having capabilities similar to our thumbs.