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Q: How long is the longest root?
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What tree has the longest root?

the banyon tree

Which desert plant has the longest tap root?

The mesquite tree has a tap root that can grow to over 190 feet long, making it the longest in the world. The taproot is long so that it can gather deep groundwater. Note that the tree itself grows to be only about 30 feet tall above the ground.

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The longest song ever in the USA was 75 minutes

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The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.The Roman empire is so important because not only was it the longest lasting in the ancient world, but it is the root of our western culture.

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What is the longest answer on this site?

Probably the one about how to square root without a calculator.

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The longest fingernail ever was...

How long is the longest joke?

This long.

How long is the longest river and what is the longest river called?

the river nile it is 6695 km long

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The longest river in Luxembourg is the Sauer!

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The longest necklace is about 355 feet.