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Q: How long it take a blue Tuna to full size?
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How large are blue fin tuna?

A bluefin tuna can cost anywhere between $2,000 and $20,000 depending on size.

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a full size frame is 4'6" wide & 6' long.

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Full size mattresses are about 75 inches long, or 6 feet, 3 inches. They are the same length as twin size mattresses.

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full size blue whales i'm pretty confident

What is the average size of a tuna fish?

The worlds record Bluefin Tuna caught on rod and reel weighed 1,496 pounds and was caught in 1979. No doubt there are bigger than that .They can grow very large. Alternate answer: There are many types of tuna and they all have different maximum sizes. The tuna used most commonly as food is the Albacore, which grows to 1.05 meters. The largest is the Bluefin tuna, which can grow to 4.58 meters

What is the universes full size?

the atual size of the universe is 5000000,996767655,354645343265,6543467889,9009864433,21112356567,78899076789,97655 long

Full-size sheet dimensions?

A full-size flat sheet is 54-inches wide and 75-inches long. A full-size fitted sheet is 81-inches wide and 96-inches long. A full-sized mattress is 54-inches wide by 75- inches long.

What is the average size of a bluefin tuna?

The southern bluefin tuna can grow up to 8.2ft and weigh as much as 882lbs. The bluefin is one of the largest bony fish in the ocean.

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2.5 meters

What is the size of a blue shark?

12.5(3.8 m) long